Hi Everyone!
It's been a while. Got my j-pouch in 2008, and it is still going strong, just pouchitis a couple times a year (or maybe it is sometimes bad IBS... we often aren't sure).
My husband and I went to consult with a high-risk specialist before we begin trying for a baby (I'm in my late 30s, and the pouch allowed me to qualify for a specialist.)
To our surprise, right off the bat, my doctor said I should think about having a vaginal birth. She said I would have to have an epidural to limit any strong pushing, and they would have to watch me every step of the way during birth, but that it is easier on the body than another surgery, entirely possible, and should be ok, if no immediate complications arise. She seemed really sure of opting for the v-birth if no immediate complications arise.
Okay.... this is the first time in ten years I have EVER heard that. I ALWAYS heard that it is c-section or nothing. This v-birth thing makes me feel nervous. I spent SO long wrapping my head around the benefits of a c-section and got really used to the idea.
Now, here's the other part. A few years ago I had a hemorrhoidectomy. I'm not gonna lie, I had the biggest dang hemorrhoid anyone ever saw, and it made doctors nervous. It was positively awful and the surgery to remove it was a bit of a risk. Thank goodness, it turned out ok and the darn thing is gone now. HOWEVER... that makes me more nervous about a v-birth.
I know an ostomy bag works well for some people, but it just wasn't good for me. I never want to go back to an external bag again. In fact, that fear made me delay pregnancy for a long time, although having a child had been a very dear dream of mine, and if anything would be worth a risk, it would be a child. BUT I still don't want to go back to the bag if I can help it. I LOVE my j-pouch, and I don't want to ever face that bag again.
What do you all think? Should I just skip the worry and go for a c-section?
What did you choose, and how did it turn out?
Thank you for sharing!