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I’ve had my J-Pouch since last February and had Pouchitis immediately after surgery. After a few weeks where we ran diagnostics to make sure it was Pouchitis, I was put on antibiotics to clear it up. It reduced my symptoms, but something was always off and the Pouchitis flared up again as soon as I was off the medication. After another oscopy, I was placed on the antibiotics again. Same result; relieved symptoms for a time but flared up as soon as I was off them. Now I’m on my third round of antibiotics and while they’re still helping, I was wondering whether this is normal or something more concerning like chronic Pouchitis. Anyone else have a similar experience?

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That’s pretty much how antibiotic-dependent pouchitis gets diagnosed for any of us. Sometimes a longer course and/or a higher dose and/or multiple antibiotics make it stay away, but if not then you may have to keep treating it in order to feel well. I managed to avoid antibiotics for a year or two with plenty of VSL #3, but eventually I had to stay on antibiotic therapy.

I had pouchitis almost constantly for the first two years after I got my J-pouch.  I was always on Cipro or Augumentin.  Then gradually the bouts got further and further apart, and now I haven’t had one over a year, nearly two years.  I didn’t make any changes to my diet—no probiotics or anything like that—I just eat everything I want, even lots of salads.  I also didn’t change my lifestyle.  So there’s hope thing will just clear as time passes.  I hope this will be your experience.

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