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Hello everyone! Had my pouch for 11 years

About 3 weeks ago i woke up with stomach cramps that i could tell were different from my IPS pains or wind pains, eventually a few hours later i had quite explosive diarrhea which relieved the pain, and then the pains gradually went after about 4 days...

So naturally i thought it must have been food posioning or a stomach virus and forgot about it...

In between that episode and now i had an appointment with my surgeon for a general chat about my IPS and anemia, as always i asked if there was any chance i might have Crohns to which he swiftly replied no and off i went feeling good, i actually forgot to mention the diarrhea episode because i thought it was a one off...

Fast forward to this week on Wednesday, as soon as i arrived at work in the morning the same pains from weeks earlier appeared and lasted all day, i managed to go to the toilet a few times but only small amounts of diarrhea were coming out...

By the evening the stomach cramps were so severe i had to go to A&E, i genuinely thought i had a blockage of some sort as the explosive diarrhea that relieved it previously was just not coming, then within 30 mins of waiting in A&E i felt the urge to go and again had the diarrhea which relieved the symptoms...

The doctors took my bloods and they were fine apart from slightly elevated white blood count, although i do remember my surgeon telling me because of the nature of my surgery that i will always have slight inflammation present on blood tests..

Yesterday i obtained a prescription from my GP for Ciprofloxacin as i was still having the pains but the diarrhea was (luckily) more frequent now, so i thought it may be a bout of pouchitis...

I have now taken 2 days worth of cipro and the diarrhea has cleared up, but the cramps are still present although not as frequent or intense as Wednesday night, and i’m wondering if i should give it a few more days before i start worrying it’s something else?

Does is sound like pouchitis? Can it lay dormant then strike again a few weeks apart like what happened with myself? My other concern is something like Crohns, it’s a big fear of mine being misdiagnosed but my surgeon kind of shuts me down everytime i ask him, although he doesn’t know anything about this episode i’m posting about, i have got an appointment with him next week.

Also, what other symtpoms would be oresent if it were Crohns or a new IBD diagnosis? Because the diarrhea has gone and im almost constipated now...

Thank you


Last edited by RB15
Original Post


The Cipro doesn’t seem to be working for the pain, i’m having waves of pain across the abdomen that last about 10 seconds and when it reaches it’s most painful point i get a rumble and gurgling of wind there...

i’m still passing stool but less frequent due to the cipro thickening things up, i’m now wondering if i maybe have a twist or kink causing partial blockages?

A CT scan last year showed thickening above the pouch but my surgeon believes it was from the trauma of my multiple surgeries in 2006 after hemorraging in hospital and them not knowing where the bleed was coming from, rather than inflammation from Crohn’s etc, almost died and spent 2 months in hospital.

It’s 5am here in the UK and i am unable to sleep because of the pain so i’m sat having a cup of tea, GP’s and A&E here are not knowledgable enough for me to feel confident to go see them, and my appointment with my surgeon has been postponed from Tuesday to Thursday next week as he is out of the country, so i don’t really know what to do?

Any advice would be really helpful


Last edited by RB15

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