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I have developed fistulas and have an abscess near the rectum in the j-pouch (which has worked pretty well for 8 years). My surgeon now tells me that I probably have Crohns and says my pouch must be removed and get a permanent ileostomy. He is fine with me getting a second opinion but I understand that the popular doctors like Remzi are no longer at Cleveland Clinic. Anyone have recent experience there? Also since I apparently have Crohns, are there options besides j-pouch removal?

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Shen does endoscopic procedures that not a lot of other GI's will do, but correct he is not a surgeon. I honestly cant recommend a surgeon so many of the good ones have left. I know Dr Remzi speaks highly of Dr Dietz who left clinic and went to University Hospitals in Cleveland which is actually right down the road from Cleveland Clinic

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