A few weeks ago I had a random perforation of my small intestine. I do not have Crohn's, and the clinical appearance and pathology did not suggest Crohn's disease. The emergency surgeon said it appeared as though the perforation might have occurred at an old staple site, maybe from a previous ostomy. Regardless, I'm beginning to explore the explanation that my intestinal permeability was so poor.
Does anyone use the Simple Carbohydrate Diet (SCD)? My friend has Celiac's Disease and benefitted significantly from this diet and she supplements with: L Glutamine, B Complex, Digestive enzymes, zinc, magnesium, calcium, Vitamin D, collagen powder, bone broth, and multiple probiotics (Acidophilus, thermophilus, bulgaricus, saccharomyces boulardii).
With a J Pouch, lacking a colon, I wonder whether probiotics even work. I also have difficulty eating veggies and fruit and typically just go to a Juice Bar a few times a week to buy juice to get those nutrients.
Any info or opinions would be great and extremely helpful. Thank you.