After 4-6 weeks of some pretty moderate to severe stomach pain, abdominal cramping, bloating and general uncomfortability, I finally called my surgeon. He scoped the opening of the pouch (but not the entire?) and ordered CT scans of the GI. Both "looked good and normal." Surgeon recommended seeing a GI, specifically one he works closely with. Unfortunately, its a hike for me and he doesn't take insurance. On the other hand, I work at a hospital and am friendly with some of the people working in the endoscopy suite (pretty ironic), one of which offered to get me a quick appointment with a member of the hospital's IBD team who is familiar with UC and Pouch, but probably not like the NYC physicians.
Am I out of line in seeing the local doctor, who is associated with my hospital and takes my insurance? Or should I stick my surgeons wishes? I know I can eventually do both, I just don't want to waste time (and money) either.