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So today I was finally diagnosed with a pouch prolapse by a colon and rectal surgeon, after months of being told it was just hemorrhoids by my old surgeon, primary care doctor and my gastroenterologist. She wants to run 2 imaging tests to see what's causing it, but she is 99.9% positive that this is what is bothering me. She also mentioned that since my pouch was done already by another surgeon she would feel more comfortable with me going to the Cleveland Clinic for my surgery, so my questions are. 1) Have any of you been to Cleveland Clinic? 2) Experience? 3) After pouch prolapse fix, how many experience the same issue later on?

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when you say prolapse, what types of issues are you having? is the pouch actually hanging out of your anus? I had my pouch redone at the Cleve Clinic almost 2 years ago. a few months after takedown I had a scope and my GI at Cleveland Clinic, Dr Bo Shen, told me I have a very mild prolapse and to just treat it as a hemrhhoid. Basically don't strain too hard. Its not causing me any issues at all and scope was just to check things out, and the prolapse was a surprise to me. He said as long as its not causing issues going to bathroom then its a non issue right now. My surgeon, Dr Remzi agreed, its not an issue. I just had a scope with him as my annual followup and stated its still there obviously but my pouch looks good.

Yes, a pretty good portion comes out while I use the bathroom. It feels like ripping and it is very painful. However, it didn't start this way. I have had this issue for over a year and a half, but now that it's worse it's actually diagnosed. Before they couldn't give me an answer and wouldn't do scopes because it wasn't causing issues and it didn't effect me having bowel movements. 

I too have lived with a prolapse for awhile, about 2 years. Had surgery a year ago because surgeon thought it was just a flap of skin, kind of prolapse, that he removed along with doing a pouch advancement and mucousectomy. Shortly after my surgery, my pouch was protruding again, about an inch to 1.5" and causes problems with me being able to fully eliminate. Even soft stool doesn't empty without repeated attempts.  Lately, I've tried to keep my diet /liquid intake such that output is looser, and the prolapse is not protruding as often or as much. Definitely avoiding straining, if possible, make it retract. Down side is I'm experiencing more leakage. Using hot water from squirt bottles or bidet does relax muscle and make it essier to evacuate around the prolapse. I will be looking at other options- new pouch or other - down the road. My frequency did improve a little after the surgery but is still not at acceptable level to me. Thankfully, my prolapse, however, is not painful itself. 

Poucho- did you have your pouch redone because of a Prolapse?

Ljz posted:

I too have lived with a prolapse for awhile, about 2 years. Had surgery a year ago because surgeon thought it was just a flap of skin, kind of prolapse, that he removed along with doing a pouch advancement and mucousectomy. Shortly after my surgery, my pouch was protruding again, about an inch to 1.5" and causes problems with me being able to fully eliminate. Even soft stool doesn't empty without repeated attempts.  Lately, I've tried to keep my diet /liquid intake such that output is looser, and the prolapse is not protruding as often or as much. Definitely avoiding straining, if possible, make it retract. Down side is I'm experiencing more leakage. Using hot water from squirt bottles or bidet does relax muscle and make it essier to evacuate around the prolapse. I will be looking at other options- new pouch or other - down the road. My frequency did improve a little after the surgery but is still not at acceptable level to me. Thankfully, my prolapse, however, is not painful itself. 

Poucho- did you have your pouch redone because of a Prolapse?

No, I had it redone due to sinus and tip of pouch leak

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