Hello again everyone, I hope your all well.
I've very recently been hospitalised with a sudden acute case of Kidney Stones, according to my hospital it's likely been caused by years of slight but chronic dehydration caused by having my large intestines removed in 1994 and probably not drinking correctly ever since, too much tea, coffee and plain water. I've been given a target of 2.5 litres if drink a day, limiting caffeine, sugary and fizzy drinks. It's a revelation, I'm passing urine far better, having less bowel movements (down to 5 or 6), and no longer having almost perminent diarrhea. Hopefully it will mean no repeat of the agony of the last few weeks. Has anyone else had experience of this sort of problems or other issues to look out for post surgery.
The bad news about all this I've had to cancel J pouch surgery due next month, haven't been ablestablished to attend all the pre operation appointments and need to get the all clear from my urologist that it was definitely my drinking and not another issue causing the kidney stones and that I've passed all of them before major bowel surgery. It's a bit of a nightmare and has got me thinking of which type of surgery to choose, do I just go straight to a bag for good, try the j pouch hoping that I don't get further dehydration problems due to loosing more small intestines to the pouch and what is a bcir I keep hearing about, is it the too good to be true compremise between bowel control and dignity?
Nothing is ever simple with the surgeries that are caused by FAP, we all have different experiences to share.