Nope. Didn't say bag.
My routine is I rinse even before I empty the first time. I have a thick output most times and it makes it empty easier. And I usually rinse it a second time with tap water just so I can wipe the end off with TP before I close it up. And by doing that I am just wiping water and not the other. Poop.
I use a regular bottle of water. Any brand. And reuse the bottle.
And I do all this sitting on the loo. Just scootch back a bit on the seat and you have plenty of space where you need it.
I am asking this question for the sake of newcomers to the stoma world.
Suggestions to those who need it and can read how others do it.
And I'm sure there are many different ways of doing it.
Thanks all for the coming answers.
P. S. Just put the moth picture in to lighten things up a bit. Besides it a cool looking moth. Stayed on my back porch all day. Beautiful.