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Hi all. Has anyone out there had a sinus infection that just wont quit? I have had my first surgery to remove my colon and will be having the next one of three sometime in july or august. It would be nice for this sinus infection to clear up before I go back to see the surgeon. Ive already been through two series of antibiotics and am on the third now. I have had C diff in the past, so I am a bit nervous about temping fate. If it makes any difference, I had my colon removed because of a very aggressive out of control year with UC. Has anyone gone through this and have any insight. Thanks


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I had cdiff infection in 2008 after my first jpouch and I am always worried about taking antibiotics as well. I have had  pouchitis a few times, along with random bacterial infections and I have always taken Cipro along with a yeast based probiotic during the course of the antibiotic as well as a week after the antibiotic was finished.. knock on wood, it hasn't come back

Hi Aimee , not 100% certain but pretty confident that once the colon is gone that is the end of the cdiff. I have suffered an almost identical experience with the sinus infection and have not managed to clear it as yet. Have completed the third and final stage of surgery 10 weeks ago so maybe as things settle down and I get my strength back I can shake off the sinus infection . I will keep you posted on my progress

Pouchomarx, what is the name brand  of the yeast brand probiotic that you take. Do you think they have helped you not get Cdiff again better than the regular probiotic on the market. I have been doubling up on mine after each series of antibiotics.

Jimter, wow third surgery, good for you. Hope its going well.  Are you on your on your fourth antibiotic yet. I've never have had a problem getting rid of sinuses before. Wondering if its an absorption problem or part of the autoimmune thing with the UC or something total different. The cdiff factor is a pretty scary thought. If you google cdiff and the small intestine, there are articles about people without a colon and cdiff.

Scott, thanks for your input.  Its always appreciated. 



I had a pretty nasty sinus infection in the fall that just wouldn't let up. I was also trying to avoid antibiotics. Finally went to the doctor and I was prescribed Flonase (sterioid nasal spray) and with that and using saline washes daily (Hydrasense), the infection cleared up and I was able to avoid antibiotics. There are in fact several new studies published that suggest that antibiotics aren't always necessary for sinus infections and that 60-70% of adults recovery with or without antibiotic treatment.

Sometime to consider.

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