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I have had on and off lower back pain for over a year, I was thinking of going to a doc to get the back looked in to. Having some low grade fevers again too though, like 99.3 off and on. I had MRI in September to look to see if I had anything going on with the pouch as far as leaks, fistula, abcess, etc... MRI WAS CLEAR. Dr Shen thinks its a good idea to get another MRI to check things out. My symptoms have not changed since then or gotten worse so not sure if he thinks the MRI may have missed something the first time?  But my question is this, Can the same MRI take a look at the pelvis/pouch as well as lower back to see if I have anything going on there too? or do I need 2 different MRI's ? I saw a post on here from a member stating thye had pelvic MRI that looked at both and found inflammatory issues in lower back so I believe its possible??

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So could I take my pelvic MRI to a back doctor to look for any back issues that may be going on from September? Cuz they were just looking for anything going on with the pouch like leaks or fistulas and such.  Why do you think Dr Shen wants me to get another MRI if that one was clear and my symptoms haven't changed or gotten worse. ? 

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