hi all, I had my takedown 18months ago when I was in hospital I got very very sick they took me to theatre again to have a look inside and they told me afterwards that when they did this a lot of pus and mucus just drained out itself. After I came home I experienced what felt like air bubbles coming up or through the vagina I thought nothing much of it because I had this sort of thing happen even before I had the pouch, sort of like just trapped air in the vagina from moving around and so on, but 2 weeks ago for the fist time I got really scared, I had extreme gas in my tummy and as I lay down it came out the front, last night the same happens but more intense and their was noise to, no stool has ever passed from my vagina I think, but I do have some mucky discharge with some blood to. I have just finished antibiotics for a uti also. I had a smear test today and the nurse said everything seemed ok up there but there was some blood inside so she took a swab, there was also some blood in my urine. The results will be back next week. When the gas passes there is no pain and it's very very rare it happens, both times it has happened I've had a trwmendous amount of gas in my tummy and felt an intense pressure inside my vagina.
please can anyone help? Does this definitely sound like a fistula or could it be something else? How are they fixed and will I have to loose my pouch? Also I'm scared will I have to get a urostomy if I had a bladder fistula?
any advice would be so helpful
thank you so much in advance