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So I've had minor blockages that caused pain in my ribs and abdomen, but does a more serious blockage cause pain into the back and shoulders? pain so bad it's hard to breathe or move? this pain feels familiar but I can't place it. and if it's a blockage I don't want to go to hospital until I've given myself time to try and break it down myself.  it started at about midnight while I was sleeping,  woke me up and have not been able to sleep since.  I am on a heat pad, tried standing and sitting,  tried going to bathroom and have taken ibprofen. slight relief here and there but not much... any ideas please let me know asap.  even if it's not connected to jpouch... thank you so much. 

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Hi Mandig,

I have some experience with blockages and I can tell you that no two are identical. Depending on where the blockage is and whether it is a full or partial blockage and how much can get how I interpret symptoms.

A total blockage usually feels like a mule kicked me. The site of the blockage is where I feel the kick. I cannot eat or drink anything...I cannot swallow a pill or take even a few drops of liquid under the will start waves of vomiting, cramping, contractions...

With a partial blockage, I can get drops of fluid down, suck on some candy or ice...I feel a heaviness inside of me, like I swallowed a football, nothing moves in or out and I cramp, burp and generally feel rotten.

I never run a fever with a blockage. I do feel very tired, lethargic, achy...

Generally I have 4 possible types of blockages: a twist of the gut where something loops or does an 8 or bends (carbonated beverage drunk too quickly...), mechanical when I eat too much of something that causes a traffic jam in there (pineapple, mushrooms, fibrous foods or too much starchy bread...), adhesions that strangle or glue part of my guts together or against the abdominal wall, or a hernia that causes part of my gut to get trapped in it.

Whether partial or total I attack with 4 different methods.

1. Movement...I walk, bend, stretch, roll side-to-side and back-and-forth on my pilates ball, bounce up and down gently, bend over the ball frontwards or backward to stretch out the abdomen and bounce up and down on my toes...Any and all movement to try to unblock whatever is blocking me.

2. Heat. I use heating pads, hot baths, grain filled pillows that I put in the mic for 3mins and place either on my abdomen or behind my back.

3. Massage: I use any oil that I have on hand and massage my abdomen in circles going from right to left or knead it gently.

4. I remain fasting if it is a full blockage or sip prune juice, grape juice, hot tea (green or other) and pray for liberation!

5. And this one is my own and not medically ordered or advised for others (check with your doctor)...I was given injectable Gravol (it is a motion sickness medication that stops nausea and vomiting as well as slows or stops the peristaltic also makes me very, very sleepy and allow for some much-needed rest during my blockages)...I take only 1 lasts about 6hrs and if after that I cannot unblock, I call my doctor and head for the hospital)... I also keep stock of it in baby dosage, in drops, as well as dissolvable under the tongue tablets or chewable in Teen or Adult dosage...If I can get the chewable down I take them...if not I use the shot.

I do not run to ER immediately...I give myself 24hrs +/- for a total blockage and longer for a partial (usually until it resolves itself)...I do not allow myself to get dehydrated if I can help it...after 24hrs without any fluids, I do not play games...I hotfoot it to the ER and scream blockage...they take it x-rays and put me on I.V. and unfortunately put an N.G tube up my nose if needed. 

That's it...That is all that I know...I hope that it is not a full blown blocage and that it resolves soon.




Last edited by skn69

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