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Hi Folks,

Just wondering if anyone can relate or advise me from a 'fellow patient' standpoint.  I was debating whether I should post this in the General Discussion forum or this one.  I am a little concerned about my current status so I thought maybe better here.  Although please understand I am okay!

A quick background on me...  Had a one-step total colectomy in July 2000.  At the start, I had absolutely no way to slow my digestive tract and I had a ridiculous number of bowel movements daily.  After about 6 months, I started taking 120 mg of codeine 3X per day.  The effect was that the number of BMs decreased significantly to a manageable number but never a comfortable amount.  After 16 years, last summer I had a scope and my new doctor insisted I have Crohn's; hence, the continued problems.  After the doctor's urging as well as several weeks of discussion and consideration, I decided to start taking Humira.  I started on November 28.  Since then, I have never felt any improvement whatsoever.  My doctor suggested I stop taking it about a month ago.  After discussing again and my suggestion, we decided I would continue with it until I get another scope done to see what my inflammation level is compared with my previous scope.  I had that scope last week.  He noticed that my inflammation level was the same as my previous scope 4 months earlier.  He once again suggested I stop the Humira right away.  After I questioned him on it, he said it should have worked by now.  However, he said there's a remote chance that not enough of the Humira is entering my bloodstream. If that were the case he said, we could increase the dosage of the Humira.  So, once again, he suggested I get blood work done to check that.  In the meantime, he told me to continue the Humira until the blood work is done and evaluated.  

After my scope last week, I have had some concerns.  Immediately following the scope, that same day I felt fine.  Starting the next day, I had bad stomach pain and could barely eat anything.  Diarrhea was more liquid than usual.  I spoke to my doctor's office and they had me get an x-ray.  The results didn't show anything except for some air.  Since that day, it has taken 2-3 days and I am feeling better but still not back to normal.  My stools have returned to previous ways but I am having stomach pains when I get a BM feeling and during one as well.  The frequency has gone down over the past couple of days.  

I am sure it couldn't be a rupture or tear as that type of pain would be off the charts - as would any organ problem.  I have no idea what's going on because I've never had an issue after any of the many scopes I've had over the years. Just the usual discomfort etc until returning to normal.  I haven't noticed any blood in my stools.  

Any suggestions would be appreciated... At times in the past I thought I had a blockage or partial blockage but this feeling is a bit different.  THANKS.


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