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I got my jpouch in September 2015,other than IBS symptoms I'd learned to live with it. For the past 6 months I've had episodic unbearable pain attacks. They are very random about once every month or so but unbearable. When I have one the pain is severe and sharp  I literally have to lie still take 800mg ibuprofen and nausea medicine. Eventually it'll pass but not because of bowel movement or gas. I actually have neither during or after the pain. I recently had KUB,flexsig and everything was normal. I've also noticed that my stool isn't moving into rectum by itself without me straining. I'll feel the stool down low and be uncomfortable but it doesn't move down enough to start bowel movement. I'll feel my gas get like in rectum but not come out unless I spread buttocks apart. Any advice or thoughts are greatly appreciated!!!

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Please get checked out, those are signs of a blockage! Especially the nausea.  I had my jpouch and colon/rectum removed (I have a bit of rectum left called a cuff) in nov of '14. I had a similar experience. 

One, some stool was beginning to form to the wall of my pouch, more stool added on to it, I got extreme pain and nausea vomiting. Please go to ER on that issue. 

About the ability to use your lower muscles to help evacuate easier, my doctor suggested a simple operation of a tightening of my muscles left down there. They get weaker with age - Im only 41but still, we have different anatomies now.

I did not get that surgery...yet. I'm not ready for more butt surgery.


good luck and please call your doc and/or go to eR

Thanks so much my GI doctor recommend I go to ER when the pain is happening but it so random and severe I can't even walk or stand when it happens. I see the surgeon on Monday hopefully he'll have some answers. I thought the jpouch was a "cure all" and I'd have no more problems. I can't possibly sit through a long ER wait when in that kind of pain.

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