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I had some good advice on here previously regarding my anal pain/ulcerated skin tags and it looked like it was coming under control with cirpoxin, naproxen, and mesalazine suppositories.  Unfortunately the pain is back and I have just had a pouchoscopy which is showing some inflammation but not enough to warrant the pain I am in!! And I am in constant pain, which feels like sharp needle or knife like shooting/stabbing/burning pain.

I have been on a bland diet for about a month now, potato, bread and soup and have realised I have other symptoms which I had just put down to having a Jpouch.  I have excessive gas, belching a lot after eating and having to lie down to pass gas from the other end every time I go the the toilet.  I have also noticed that even though I am eating no fat in my diet I am still passing yellow fatty stool...well not stool more like something between liquid and porridge.

My consultant has done biopsies and I am waiting for the results but he say's he cannot understand why I am in so much pain....I have not mentioned the gas and fatty stool issues as I have only just started considering these.

If anyone has had similar issues or can give me any advise I would really appreciate it?

Many thanks


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Betty, fatty stool normally floats. Is that what's happening? If not, can you describe what you mean by "fatty?"

Porridge is a nearly perfect consistency for stool with a J-pouch. Soft, neither liquid nor formed. Are you concerned about that?

Your pain sounds like anal fissure pain. Did your doctor mention or consider fissures? Perhaps a specific treatment, like topical nitroglycerin, nifedipine, or diltiazem would work better.

Good luck!

Hi Scott,

Thanks for your reply.  When I say fatty, I mean the bowl is full of fat/oil/grease floating on the water and on  a good day it's porridge consistency but generally its a greasy liquid with small sphere's of fatty stool, which are also floating and it is either bright yellow or sometimes (when more formed, ie: porridge) pale yellow.  The consistency never bothers me as I can always take psyllium husk if I want to thicken it.

It's definitely not fissures as that is what my surgeon looked for first, I did have open ulcers both inside and outside the anus last year but now it is just a little inflamed, although the pain is dreadful.  Could the fact that my output is fatty and looks like bile be making the pain a lot worse that it would be with a normal output?



Fatty stool isn't caused by a J-pouch. It can be caused by medications, olestra, or small intestinal, liver, or pancreas problems. The combination with excess gas suggests SIBO to me. None of this directly causes anal pain, though. I still suspect you may have a hard-to-see anal fissure, or perhaps a very painful ulcer in the area. You could try sitz baths without any cost or risk. Good luck!

I appreciate it isn't caused by the pouch, but in hindsight I have had the oily output for over a year but didn't take much notice as what comes out varies as to what you eat with a pouch.....I do know that every time I have been on ciproxin, the gas and fatty stool goes, but then after about 10 days the pain starts up again and eventually all my symptoms are back.

It's definitely not a fissure or ulcer as I had the scope last week and my consultant is the top man in this area (I'm in the UK by the way) I have not mentioned the yellow fatty stool and gas to him yet as I have only just considered it...I just wondered if it would irritate the inflammation which could explain the extent of my pain.  Sitz baths help but only for about half an hour  

Thanks again for your advice Scott.

Just thought I would post my results in case anyone has similar problems.  I had an ultrasound on my gallbladder and it showed a lot of sludge!  My consultant said I need my gallbladder removed as this seems to be what has been causing my anal pain, along with all my other symptoms.

Hopefully this will help anyone who may be experiencing anything like this.

Thanks again 


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