i had my rectum removed yesterday and j pouch created but not connected until my final surgery .. I've been on hydromorphene pump every 8 minutes and they are about to increase the dosage. It's so frustrating because when I had my colectomy last month I was nowhere near the pain level I'm in now .. I have over double the stitches , can't really sleep. I walked last night for the first time and nearly almost collapsed. I just don't know what to do wasn't expecting this at all..
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If you had the ability to write that message then your dosage truly isn't high enough. It'll get better but you definitely need more dilaudid right now. I remember I couldn't even text on my phone because it felt like I was drunk.
Hello, KC23. Ask to speak with the Pain Management doctor or PA team or at the hospital. They will come to assess you and decide how to help you. They might try a different drug or increase your doesage. Do the nurses come to ask you what pain level you are feeling (1 - 10 scale)? If they don't use the pain scale at your hospital, tell them what your level is so they understand. I hope the pain passes, and you will be home soon.
They recently put me on dilaudid on a pump that is constantly dripping thru the IV. They did this after I complained of real pain that had been unresolved.. where my old stoma was, there is a deep hole now that is hard to apply the wafer too. I also have a red container that drains blood from the area.
Hello, KC23.
How is your pain now? Is the Diluadid working?
I also had a little plastic "grenade" shaped thing attached to a tube, inserted into my abdominal area, left side (while I was under anaesthetic). It drained 24/7 some pinkish blood and pus to help keep my insides clean and free from pus so the area can heal. The nurse squeezes it to empty. Some hospitals insert this little drain device, but not all. Oddly, the drain is called a JP.
Ask the enterostomal nurse if they have any samples of concave wafers / appliances to help fit your deeper stoma. There are also pastes and things, almost like caulk, to fill in the divets. All these things are available from the suppliers. Try not to let your skin break down from the output. If it does, and if you find sprays and powders don't work to ease the irritation, try something called Marathon Liquid Skin Protectant by Medline. It comes in tiny, one-use vials that you dab directly on your skin if needed. It saved my sanity. I hope you never need it, and your skin remains good and you go home soon.
I was discharged today. Having a lot of pain still which was expected. Hard to walk get up etc. a lot of pain near the area where I had the JP tube inserted. A lot of growling in the stomach as well. Any idea how long it took of Amy of y'all for the pain from surgery to subside?
I had my second step in June. It took about a week or so before I felt pretty comfortable, from what I remember. Just Extra Strength Tylenol during this time. I really don't remember a lot of pain from any of my three surgeries, although for me the worse was the first.
Happy new year, KC23.
Tylenol Extra Strength and lots of bed rest helped me get through the first few days at home. It was good being at home in my own bed, shower, tv, books, etc. Going up and down the stairs hurt, and getting out of bed or up from the sofa hurt a lot. Your abdominal area will be sore so be careful how you do these things. Even bending over to pick up something was difficult at first. For me this lasted about two, three weeks, then the pain eased off. Nine months after my reversal I can half lift, half drag a box of kitty litter weighing 50 pounds. Yes, my stomach growled and rumbled loudly for maybe a month. There were odd aches, sudden pains, but nothing that lasted more than a few days. I think it was just my insides getting used to new spaces and settling in! It got better as I started to eat soft meals at regular times. Don't drink through a straw; avoid carbonated drinks. This sends more air down there! In hospital when I had horrible gas pains the nurse gave me hot or warm drinks, just broth or plain black tea, to ease the gas pain. It didn't expel the gas any faster, but it made the gut pain a bit bearable and made me burp. Take it easy and slowly. Try to walk for a short time everyday if weather permits. Every day you will feel a bit better and stronger.
I vomited earlier.. Hurt so bad given the fact that I have stitches. I had eaten pot roast with only a small portion of potatoes and pot roast. Very small amount. I have been feeling nauseous since surgery and have tried Pepcid and zofran. I have also noticed when taking my percocets I feel sick, they're so big and get stuck in my throat causing me to choke and sometime the urge to throw up.. Any suggestions on this issue?
are youneating a slice of toast or something with your pain meds? Maybe try doing that. Percocet can also sometimes be very difficult for people. Maybe the doctor could switch to it 2 mg Hydromorphone every 3-4hrs?
You sound just about normal for everything that you have been through...no joke.
We are all different and feel the pain differently so some of us survive the pain with mild help while others really can't take it.
Pain meds, especially narcotics or codeine based meds make me throw up. Taking meds on an empty stomach makes me queazy...
Post op, after a week in hospital on a morphine drip I step down to tylenol 3 (hated codeine) and then tylenol 2...
Rectal surgery has to be one of the most painful surgeries around...thus the added pain and discomfort walking. The j pouch surgery pushes all of your guts and muscles around while being created so yes, you are in a world of pain, plus your stoma sounds painful.
Take it slow and eat light...no roast beef...Stick to soups, white meats like chicken and veal, toast and tea and stuff that is easy on the system...you just had major surgery and your guts are still delicate plus you are infusing your body with hard meds...so be kind to your body.
Any movement that requires the use of your abdominal muscles (almost everyone!) is going to hurt...use your arms to push yourself up off of the sofa, do Not bend down for anything, use crutches or canes as long-arms to reach things or pick them up...(I had a cane with hook on the end...it was very useful...So were my God-kids...fetching and carrying were their way of showing me their love!)...velcro sneakers or slip-ons, do not try to carry anything heavier than a bag of toilet paper...use people for help...if it lands on the floor it stays there until someone comes to pick it up...do not try to reach over your head for stuff in cupboards or crawl into the bottom ones for stuff...Everything should be at counter height for you (ask a friend over and then give them instructions on things to pull out and put onto your counter top).
The pain will ease up as time goes by...but you need to walk...or shuffle according to how you feel...Do not go out onto slippery sidewalks if you are in a northern region...do not climb slippery stairs...as for help...
Good healing
KC23, remember to brace your stomach if you feel the urge to vomit or sneeze or cough. Or laugh! Have a small, firm pillow or cushion nearby so you can grab it and press tightly on your stomach before you sneeze or vomit. Whenever I have to take meds I drink warm water with it. I think the medicine dissolves faster than with cold water. Pop a mug of water into the microwave for 45 seconds to warm. Eat lightly, as Sharon suggested. Broth with rice and shredded chicken. Soft cooked egg on toast.
I developed an ilius after my takedown and threw up 4 times. Brutal! The pillow thing mentioned helps. I would use my elbows to push the pillow against my abdomen and lean over to throw up in a bucket I was holding.
I have been in the hospital since Monday night. I became dehydrated due to my new stoma. The output my stoma put out was way too much which caused me tons of pain and the vomiting didn't help the dehydration either. Tonight I bled in my ostomy bag for the first time since ago. Idk if this is normal but it has since returned to stool again. If all goes well I'll be out in the morning or afternoon
KC23, I hope you are feeling better and will be discharged in the morning. Do you think the blood was a result of vomiting and irritation to your stomach lining, and it came out in your pouch? In any case, I'm glad that has stopped and its outputting stool again. Try having canned soup to restore some salt. If you boil a pot of greens and vegetables with sea salt, you can sip the liquid all day. I do this with bone broth. Feel better soon.
Update.. Been bleeding straight blood out of my ostomy pouch.. Definitely won't be out this morning... I'll see my surgeon in a couple hours. Out of nowhere straight blood.. Hopefully my jpouch doesn't have a leak or something.. I will have a scope in the am.
KC23, being in the hospital is the right place for you as these problems come up. You are surrounded by medical staff and machines and they will look after you and figure this out. The worst thing is probably the food, and the 2:30am temperature and blood pressure checks.