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hi friends!!! I'm new here to the j-pouch group. I have a few questions. Last year when I had my pouchoscopy follow up from my surgery about a year before and it was concluded that I have crohn's. When they did the surgeries, they determined that I had indeterminate colitis. So once they told me it was crohn's, the only option they gave me was to do immunosuppressants. I was not up for that idea. Since then, I've been following the Maker's diet (cut out all gluten, dairy, and excess sugar), using peppermint, frankincense, and copaiba essential oils, drinking turmeric tea, and taking a probiotic and it has helped tremendously. I'm going to the bathroom about 6-8 times a day, but I feel great and am able to work out. Recently, I felt like I was more explosive and was going more. So I restarted the maker's diet, and actually took oregano oil and seems to be helping once more.

My question is, has anyone with a j-pouch been diagnosed with crohn's? if you did, have you tried the maker's diet or scd or paleo? has it helped? what foods do you stay away from, or what helps?

Also, I wanted to know if anyone knew a good nathuropath in Cleveland or Youngstown, ohio or Pittsburgh, pa?

Thanks so much!!

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If you do a search, you'll find many here with a Crohn's diagnosis and others with chronic pouchitis or unclassified disease. There are also many who have tried various versions of paleo diets (low carb/high protein), SCD, and FODMAP. Some have done well, but most wind up back on meds (antibiotics or biologics), and some have opted for pouch removal.

I have chronic pouchitis and tried some diet changes without much effect, but I admit I did not do anything strict. I opted for Remicade and azathioprine, and am doing well. But, I do know that there are risks and it is a high cost option.


I had my J pouch surgery in 1997. I rolled along for almost 15 years with few problems. In fact I wasn't even seeing a GI. If I had a problem I'd go see the colon/rectal surgeon. In 2013 I noticed I was having more diarrhea than normal. The GI I started seeing ran some tests and decided I had an issue with my gallbladder so I had it removed. No change. I kept asking my doctors if it was possible I had Crohns. They said no. 

Finally I went to the Mayo Clinic in December 2014 and they diagnosed me with Crohns. Not what I wanted to hear but it confirmed my suspicion.  How can life be that unfair?

I had chronic pouchitis later determined to be Chrohn's in the pouch.  I have been on Remicade for about three years with good results.  My only concern is possible side effects of Remicade including lymphoma.  But I understand this is more likely if on an immunosuppresant as well.

Jan, I know you have been on Remicade as well.  Do you have similar concerns?

Semicolon (Jerry)


Yes and no. My understanding is that the real risk factor is the disease itself that leads to the need for anti-TNF therapy, not necessarily the treatment itself. At least that what I read from the more recent literature. Lymphoma risk is higher with RA and Crohn's regardless. Who knows? Time may tell. But in the long run, I need to be functional. I don't plan on living forever and I want to live as well as possible.

So, I have some concern, but no more than I have concern about being in a car crash or some other calamity like a heart attack. The risk is low, even if higher than the general population.



Last edited by Jan Dollar

Hi! I had my pouchoscopy almost 10 years ago, but my GI recently  determined that I too now have Crohn's. I was also given the option to take biologics or immunosuppressants, and like you, was NOT up for that! I've been taking Budesonide (Entecort) for over a year now, and while it worked initially doesn't seem to be helping any more (I take a really low dose) and my GI wants me to start a drug regimen sooner rather than later to avoid surgery... 

I'm already on a lactose and gluten free diet and try to limit my sugar (with less success!) but I never heard of the Maker's diet, and will have to ask my nutritionist about it. I think she (my nutritionist) didn't think a paleo diet would work for me as I have trouble gaining weight, and that diet probably wouldn't help? In terms of foods I stay away from, I think (if you look at other posts here) that it's pretty individual, I know I can't eat a lot of stuff that other folks don't have any  problems with (hence no dairy or gluten.) 

I'm afraid I'm in the New York area, I wish I could suggest someone (I don't even know of one here, luckily the practice I go to is very open to alternative remedies.) Best of luck! And thank you!

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