Hi everyone,
I'm a little more than two months passed my takedown surgery (July 21) and I'm wondering if how I feel right now is normal or if it could be pouchitis. I hadn't been keeping track of my bowel movements specifically, but I did note that I was going quite a bit more at night (from like 6 p.m. on). My doctor had said that ideally I'd be going 5-7 times per day and I've seen people here saying 4-6 times per day is "normal." I knew I was going a lot more than that. But I also wondered about some self-inflicted issues, namely that I've been sleeping the entire morning away and then cramming all my eating for the day pretty much between 2 p.m. and 8:30-9 p.m. So I decided to: (1) get up earlier for breakfast so my food intake was more spread out through the day; (2) stop eating by 8 p.m.; and (3) cut out sugary treats (I had noticed some urgency and increased amount after having stuff like that). And I started keeping a log of my food and bathroom trips yesterday.
Yesterday I went 14 times. The night actually seemed a little better than the past few nights (although I didn't have a specific number to go on), but the day seemed worse. So far today I have gone 9 times (it's right around 7 p.m. my time). The last two today were a little unpleasant - stinging as they came out.
There is some urgency, especially later in the day/evening. The urgency isn't as bad as it was with UC, and I feel like for the most part I could hold it if I had to, it's just not comfortable. I also have numerous cases where I'll go, and it doesn't seem like it's much at all, but I'll feel like I'm done, then I'll have to go again shortly after. So I don't know if's a problem emptying the pouch so I'm breaking up what should be one bathroom trip over 2-3 trips, or what. Today's trips especially have been very loose. I have been taking a scoop of Metamucil once a day to give it more bulk, and I just took today's dose about an hour ago.
I had been taking Immodium at night to help me get through the night without having to get up a bunch of times. I didn't take it yesterday because I was trying to get a good gauge of my number of BMs.
I haven't had any leakage or incontinence. Occasionally I will see a little bit of blood on the toilet paper, usually later in the day (so after I've gone and wiped a bunch of times). By the end of the day/night I usually have some buttburn, but by morning it feels better.
I have an appointment to see my doctor next Thursday, so that's good.
I'm just wondering if anyone with experience can tell me if this sounds like pouchitis? I know everyone heals differently, it just seems like, at least ideally, I'd be doing better by now, a little more than two months into this.
Thanks for reading,