I have my usual list of things that I check when I am dripping with exhaustion.
1. Iron, B12 and all other B's infection (white count), protein intake (am I eating enough meat/fish/chicken/fish or eggs), do I have any allergies to food (allergies can be exhausting! allergy meds too can drag you down), am I drinking enough and replenishing my electrolytes (salts and potassium)
2.infection (white count), protein intake (am I eating enough meat/fish/chicken/fish or eggs), do I have any allergies to food (allergies can be exhausting! allergy meds too can drag you down), am I drinking enough and replenishing my electrolytes (salts and potassium),
3. protein intake (am I eating enough meat/fish/chicken/fish or eggs)
4. do I have any allergies to food (allergies can be exhausting! allergy meds too can drag you down) am I drinking enough and replenishing my electrolytes (salts and potassium)
5. am I drinking enough and replenishing my electrolytes (salts and potassium)
6. is my thyroid low (can cause exhaustion, weight gain, dry skin, disrupted sleep patterns, bloating...
7. am I sleeping? Room temperature (too high and you can't sleep, too cold and you shiver and wake up), uncomfortable mattress, not enough or too many pillows, sleep apnea, snoring, your partner snoring, going to bed too late, watching tv or using your computer too late at night (it can disrupt your sleep pattern), eating too late (wakes you up or gives you gas and cramping)
8. am I eating correctly before bed (not too heavy, not too light)
9. am I eating too much sugar throughout the day (sugar makes you tired with highs and lows...so does diabetes and it can cause thirst and weight loss as well as infections that do not heal)
10. Am I depressed? Am I dealing with something that I cannot get a handle on?
11. Am I doing enough exercise? The more I exercise, the better I feel...and the deeper I sleep.
That is my top checklist...I usually find one or more points that need tweaking...
Hope that this helps