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I had my Kpouch revision on July 8th with Dr. Dietz and all went well. Intubatation easier, valve 'tighter', overall feel better. However, my incision never fully healed. When I saw Dr. Dietz for my follow up August 4th (coincidentally his last day at the Clinic), he said give healing more time since I hadn't been eating and a bit dehydrated (a slower recovery). I am now 7- weeks post op, incision still has not healed, red, swollen, oozing pus (but no odor),  mild fevers and definite pain. There are stitches (or something of the sort) completely exposed near belly button.

Because Dr. Dietz hasn't started at UH yet, I was stuck waiting. So I went to my GP & she ordered a CT scan with both of us thinking it was an abscess. Turned out no abscess thankfully, but found an ovarian cyst.  She put me on antibiotics and wants me to see a surgeon to get the 'whole picture'. She thinks the cyst could be pushing on the pouch and putting pressure on my incision. 

I am okay with a general surgeon/ gynecologist reviewing/handling the situation if it is not involving the pouch. Since I have no problem intubating, emptying fine, stools are healthy, I feel I don't need to drive to Cleveland to see Dietz. I don't think it's the pouch but the CT wasn't conclusive other than no abscess. 

What do you all think about other surgeons handling issues maybe not related to our pouch? Am I being too naive or lazy? I know many of you stick to your surgeons who did the 'work' regardless of the issue, and normally I would too. But the 8-hour drive, day off work, and the possibility for Dietz to say it's nothing pouch related - argh! 

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 Kara --i'm so sorry what has happened to you.   Not fair at all.  I don't have any experience with needing  additional and major surgeries that were near the pouches, first the J, then the K.   So my  thoughts are  not based on a similar experience.   That said, I would  opt for a  local specialist in  ovarian cyst surgery.  Would also want my PCP to be included in the discussions, along with  Dr. Dietz and the specialist.  

 I'm glad you are transferring to university hospital and staying with Dr. Dietz. Great choice. Also glad to hear intubating is going well and output is OK. Do stay hydrated. At some point I'll write up my experience of kidney failure,  no matter that  I  was drinking  copious amounts of water. So stay hydrated!

sending healing WhiteLight. Janet

Hi Kara, so sorry for the may need to have the midline scar opened up and exposed to heal outside-in or maybe start flushing it with betadine solution until it heals. My scars usually do the same sort of thing and those are the 2 go-to solutions 

Next, the cyst. I have a great general surgeon who does j pouches through laporoscopy and he is my only surgeon here. Does it all. Did my hernias,  adhésions,  galbladder and numerous pouch do not have to use a k pouch surgeon for everything but must have a surgeon who understands the concept and basics and knows how to work around them.

Good luck


I totally agree with the above comments. Back in the day when my J pouch was working awesome, I had an ovary removed due to an ovarian cyst by a doctor who specialized in treating gynecological cancers. Thank God my cyst wasn't cancer, but he made a mess of my abdomen. He decided to do me a "favor" by removing existing scar tissue which just resulted in an intra-abdominal abscess, an intra-abdominal drain for 2 plus months, and possible damage to my J pouch. My colo-rectal surgeon was furious with him. My colo-rectal guy told the gynecological guy to page/call him when I was going to surgery but that never happened. I was still young and naive back then so I didn't know the drama that could result from a little surgery to remove an ovary. HA! Best of luck to you and make sure whoever goes in knows what they are doing and that they don't need to "improve" your k pouch. 

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