I was somewhat concerned about this because during pouch formation, due to complications, I lost much more than the usual amount of small bowel. I wanted to maintain the max amount of intestine, as we all should. I had UC but this would be even more important with Crohns. When I asked the surgeon how he was going to do the disconnect /removal I would have lost more bowel, not just the pouch. Don't assume they will just disconnect the bowel at the pouch and stick the disconnected end through the abdomen to create a stoma. It can be much easier to disconnect the bowel near where the stoma is being formed (how he intended to do the surgery) and then remove the pouch with a "tail" of small bowel also removed. I insisted and he agreed to not do it that way but to preserve as much of the small bowel as possible. I have had no issues with short bowel syndrome. That plus a well-formed stoma that sticks out 3/4" or so above the skin has made life with an ileostomy very simple.