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I am a 27 year old woman who has had many GI surgeries over my short life due to being born 10 weeks early and not growing for 4 weeks before birth. I also have an unclassified connective tissue disorder between Ehlers Danlos & Marfan syndrome. (Doctors say it’s not profitable to research).

Anyway, I will get right to the issue. I had a total Colectomy (Entire large bowel removed) on 4/19/12 with small bowel J-pouch connecting right to my rectum.  I did great after surgery; in fact I thought my prayers were answered. I finally was able to easily have bowel movements (BM) even on the day of surgery! Normally, it can take 3 to 5 days before having your first BM.  Life was great for 4 months before I started having trouble evacuating or fully empting. By the 6-8 months I had to start rectally manually remove BM that was getting hung up high inside me by what felt like tight rings or  scrunchy. Also, gas couldn’t come out unless my bum was in the air, which is not always do able.

I was checked for scar tissue build up around my anastomosis and was complete normal. However by 9 months post-surgery, my small bowel was the size of a normal colon! I had received an x-ray to check for kidney stones and the x-ray tech couldn’t tell my colon had been removed! It wasn’t until I saw the x-ray and asked why my small bowel was so large that they became aware of it. Still the size was brushed off for another few years.

Over the next 5 years I had surgery after surgery in hopes to help whatever was blocking BM high in my rectum, which I could feel when manually rectally removing BM. However, after my Robotic Rectopexy on 2/24/15, where my rectum was lifted and sown to my sacrum; I am now unable to reach high enough inside me to relieve the trapped BM. Before then my bowels had fallen down into pelvis and was easier to reach

Since that time I have been put on Soma to help relax whatever is spasming or blocking my BM, which worked well enough for 8 months. Then problems started and I had more surgeries in hopes to help.

As of right now, my doctors think that there is a chance my issues could have been my J-pouch slowing, blocking, and sometimes completely obstructing even gas and liquid BM this whole time. That might be the big reason why even after it had only been 8 months post Large bowel removal, my small bowel was stretched out all the way down to my pouch. On a CT scan taken a few months back, my small bowels looked like Jabba the Hutt it had grown so huge! Yet nothing on the CT report!

My really good GI surgeon moved 2 months ago. So I am now looking at flying from Utah to Ohio to see if the Cleveland Clinic might be able to save me. I hurt 24/7, BM is trapped in part of my over enlarged Small bowel which is not coming out with laxities. I am nauseous and can’t even eat ¼ of what I could 2 months ago. I have cried myself to sleep the past 2 weeks as the pain is so bad.

I have an Un-prepped colon/pouchoscopy on 8/24/16 which I have never done it that way before. I hope my doctor can confirm it is my pouch causing all my problems so I can fly to Ohio for Pouch removal surgery or some other fix. I am worn out from GI problems since the day I was born. Yes, even as a new born I had problems.


Having the pouch removed after having both Robotic Rectopexy and Ventral Rectopexy. I believe my small bowel is large enough now that removing it should not make me have to go all day long.

Anyone had their pouch block BM and stretch out their small bowel?

Anyone had gone to the Cleveland Clinic to have their pouch removed?

Anyone had similar problems and it turn out not to be the pouch but something else?

Thanks so much


Images (4)
  • side print11-12-14 print - Copy: Huge Small Bowel After Colectomy looks like Jabba the Hutt! (Side view)
  • 15 X-ray abdomen - 8-31-13: Enlarged Small bowel 16months after Colectomy
  • ct 9-6-13: Enlarged Small Bowel 1 year after Colectomy
  • 000 Compar last defceo to now3: Defecogram before & After Ventral Rectopexy & Entrocele Repair  (Also known as proctography, defecating/defecation proctography, evacuating/evacuation proctography or dynamic rectal examination)
Last edited by EG-Beth
Original Post

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Hello, EG Beth. I am so sorry you are having so many difficulties. It sounds like one thing after another. Have you managed to get an appointment with the doctors at the Cleveland Clinic?  You sound very brave and strong to have weathered so much already. I hope you continue to have strength to be tough and keep up the push for a surgeon to figure out why your pouch grew so big, and fix the resulting issues you have. Thank you for posting the X-rays. They might help someone else as well. Keep everyone posted how you manage. 

Thank you so much for the encouragement and such kind words! No, I don't have an appointment set with the Cleveland Clinic yet, but hope to in the next 2-6 weeks (sooner the better). My GI doctor who’s preforming the un-prepped colon/pouchoscopy on 8/24/16 use to work at the Cleveland Clinic and can get me in faster than if I made the appointment on my own. 

Once we have an idea of what needs to be done, or if my doctor is unable to find the cause of my pain and obstruction; my doctor will call and make me an appointment. 

Since I live so far away (Utah) I am hoping to have some kind of plan in place before flying out; if possible that is. I have been too sick to work for 5 years as I have had a surgery averaging every 4 months. Needless to say money is tight and making multiple trips would be extremely hard. I have already spent over $16,000 out of pocket on three trips to the Mayo Clinic for some related and none related health problems; such as my Thyroid Storm in 2013 where I almost died.

Anyways, I will keep you all updated on what happens and any test or surgeries that might come up. I have been working on a blog to tell my story; currently have more about my TMJ joint replacements and some GI studies. I will work on it over the next month so check back. I am not the best writer but i am trying not to let that stop me from sharing my story. 

Here is the link to my blog:



Notes from the Live Message Chat I had with the Cleveland Clinic Support...

EG Beth: does it normally take a while to get an appointment? I will need to see a GI surgeon.

John: While I don't have absolute specifics about availability, GI physicians usually have more openings than some of our other specialties.

EG Beth: great! crossing my fingers!

EG Beth: I have a GI doctor here in Utah that can send a referral to your hospital and in fact has wanted me to go to your place for sometime. Will getting a referral help speed up when I can be seen?

John: It will certainly make the process go a lot smoother. I would suggest that your physician contact the Cleveland Clinic Referring Physician Center 24/7 hotline — 855.REFER.123 (855.733.3712) — to schedule, confirm or cancel patient appointments, obtain assistance in resolving service-related issues, or connect with Cleveland Clinic specialists.


Keep you posted and will answer any questions you might have,

take care

Last edited by EG-Beth

Hello, EG Beth. You have probably tried everything when you have trouble with BMs, but maybe this can help. Try gently and carefully leaning back against the toilet tank, as if you were going to lean back in your favourite armchair. Just rest there for a minute or so. This works for me as it seems to straighten out my abdominal area where the j pouch is, and gravity takes care of letting the stool come out. It doesn't work in five seconds, more like a minute or two. The contents of the pouch seem to shift, and empty. Another member, DGTracy, said this leaning back works for him too. Also sitting up very tall and straight on the toilet seems to work too. Slouching on the toilet, something everyone here probably does because it's exhausting and frustrating to push and strain, bends your body in the middle and scrunches the whole area where the j pouch is, and everything can be stuck in the bend. Try leaning back. I hope this helps.

I saw your post on another topic and again on this one about your impending trip to Cleveland. It sounds like you've had a rough road and I can certainly empathize with a lot of it. I am 47 and have had a 15 year nightmare with IBD/RA. I was diagnosed and treated the first several years in San Diego and then moved to the suburbs north of Detroit. I got significantly worse in 2010 when I had an emergency total colectomy and then followed with the j pouch in 2011. The pouch never functioned properly for me either and I went through more medications, therapies, surgeries and complications locally until heading down to Cleveland Clinic to see Dr. Shen starting 2014. He is the best! And the GI dept at CC is far better informed than the best hospital you could go to in most states. But even though I got better info about why my pouch wasn't working, we still got to the point where it wasn't fixable. (Laundry list of pouch failure complications, in order of importance: pelvic floor dysfunction, chronic cuffitis, chronic pouchitis, enlarged pouch, extra-intestistinal disease manifestations.)

So I just had my j pouch and rectum removed and received a new k pouch from Dr. Dietz at the Clinic this spring. (He has since left CC for University Hospital but had been there a while so you will see him mentioned on the site if you haven't already.) Now, however, with such unusual "plumbing," no doctor in Metro Detroit will touch my GI issues -- and I'm still having problems, so going back and forth to Cleveland is becoming more regular. (I am driving down tomorrow so I can be there for appointments on Wednesday.) The hotels in the area usually offer a Clinic discount, but it doesn't matter much when they are all so expensive. I've also seen their rates go up considerably more than the average hotel prices anywhere else in the last two years -- they know they have a captive audience! The new Holiday Inn was the best price the last couple times I booked, but just check online for your dates. 

Your other post mentions that you are going for a surgical consult... and also that you are booking a trip for two weeks. I may have missed something, but that seems like much more time than you'd need. You also mention the consultation is for the removal of your rectum and possibly your j pouch -- this is also confusing, as having a j pouch requires having a rectum (on the other hand, you could remove a j pouch without removing the rectum.) Also, when you referred to removal in this post above, did you mean to suggest j pouch removal and your small bowel connected directly to your rectum? Since the small intestine doesn't hold stool on its own, the alternative is usually another pouch (internal or external.) I would just suggest you make sure you know what to expect as far as appointments and tests and days you'll really need to be there. The nurses are usually available by phone for questions and the scheduling people can be really helpful in getting appointments grouped together for patients traveling from out of town. If you have any questions about the place, hotels, travel, or surgery there, feel free to direct message me.

Best wishes,


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