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Im 4 months takedown, and enjoying life with my J Pouch. However these past few weeks I've been experiencing intermittent pain behind the tailbone area. Im not showing any signs of pouchitis. However I'm having to control this pain with Paracetamol. Im wondering if there is some inflammation down there which is pressing against a nerve? Ive left a message with me surgeon. Would some anti inflammatory tablets help?



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Hi.  I hope this isn't what you are experiencing, but when I had tailbone pain I had a pouch abscess.  It was pretty severe .. it was painful for me to stand and the only relief was laying down.   It almost seemed as though the pouch "leaked" down, causing the information at the tailbone.   Again, hope this isn't your issue.  Best wishes.

Hi, yeah I don't think this relates to me as the pain is not constant, it comes and goes and I'm still able to do everything, the pain doesn't prohibit me. I'd describe it more as a dull ache. If it was an abcess I'd expect to be a lot more symptomatic like your case. I'm wondering if it's just a teething problem as I'm still only 4 months post takedown.

AKA, just read your post from sometime ago, where you mentioned the gas build up outside the pouch. Did the Cipro help clear things up? The pain has been around for a few days now, mainly feels behind the tailbone. Im thinking of going to my doctor tomorrow and getting a course of Cirpo to see if it will clear it up! Stools are formed, slight urgency but nothing extreme.

I'm about 5 weeks post takedown and am having the same kind of dull achey pain around my tailbone. My surgeon says it might be a slight start to pouchitis, and also just the fact of the pouch and muscles still stretching out. He compared it to going back to the gym after not working for a year. You are going to be sore for a little bit. I'm hoping this early round of antibiotics clears it up. 

My issue was pretty much a leak, I think there is no other way for me to put it.  It does sound like you may have a different issue.  I literally could not walk around block -- standing caused all kinds of pain.   The Cipro/Flagyll did help with the abscess, but, obviously, didn't help with plumbing and ultimately, I had to have it corrected.  I hope it subsides for you!

Anthony Gamble posted:

AKA, just read your post from sometime ago, where you mentioned the gas build up outside the pouch. Did the Cipro help clear things up? The pain has been around for a few days now, mainly feels behind the tailbone. Im thinking of going to my doctor tomorrow and getting a course of Cirpo to see if it will clear it up! Stools are formed, slight urgency but nothing extreme.

get any answers? I have had some back tightness for past week and it worries me a bit cuz my first pouch had leak, but like AKA said, it was more of a stabbing burning pain.this is light a tightness. I had bloodwork done and my iron and hemoglobin and ferritin levels were all low but WBC was normal which would indicate infection. still getting MRI on Tuesday to see if anything is going on. I don't have any bowel issues and stool has been somewhat normal so not thinking pouchitis. we will see

Pouchomarx posted:
Anthony Gamble posted:

AKA, just read your post from sometime ago, where you mentioned the gas build up outside the pouch. Did the Cipro help clear things up? The pain has been around for a few days now, mainly feels behind the tailbone. Im thinking of going to my doctor tomorrow and getting a course of Cirpo to see if it will clear it up! Stools are formed, slight urgency but nothing extreme.

get any answers? I have had some back tightness for past week and it worries me a bit cuz my first pouch had leak, but like AKA said, it was more of a stabbing burning pain.this is light a tightness. I had bloodwork done and my iron and hemoglobin and ferritin levels were all low but WBC was normal which would indicate infection. still getting MRI on Tuesday to see if anything is going on. I don't have any bowel issues and stool has been somewhat normal so not thinking pouchitis. we will see

MRI results are in. NO LEAKS OR POUCHITIS, MRI was clean.. thank god

Anthony Gamble posted:

AKA, just read your post from sometime ago, where you mentioned the gas build up outside the pouch. Did the Cipro help clear things up? The pain has been around for a few days now, mainly feels behind the tailbone. Im thinking of going to my doctor tomorrow and getting a course of Cirpo to see if it will clear it up! Stools are formed, slight urgency but nothing extreme.

Hi Anthony

I am 6 weeks post takedown and having similar issue. Pain in the bum and tailbone area-dull pain-but makes it difficult to stand or walk for more than 10 minutes. I hope you are doing well now. Just wanted to find out what was the diagnosis and how did your problem get solved. 


I realised that this tailbone pain was just an early complication of the new j pouch, I guess it was just the pouch expanding. I no longer experience this pain, im coming up to two years now. Try not to worry too much. If its very painful I would contact your doctor, sometimes it is caused by pouchitis, and a dose of antibiotics may help.



Anthony Gamble posted:

Hi, yeah I don't think this relates to me as the pain is not constant, it comes and goes and I'm still able to do everything, the pain doesn't prohibit me. I'd describe it more as a dull ache. If it was an abcess I'd expect to be a lot more symptomatic like your case. I'm wondering if it's just a teething problem as I'm still only 4 months post takedown.

Hi Anthony

I am 8 months post takedown and still have the buttocks area dull pain. Can't stand for long time. It's a dull pain. I need a coccyx cushion while sitting. Maybe it is slightly better than what it was 2-3 months post takedown. I want to know after how many months post takedown did your pain subside?




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