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I have had my j-pouch since July 2006. Have had 2 official blockages with hospitalizations. Others have been partials and dealt with at home. I have had what they are calling chronic pouchitis. I have had long striated ulcers in the pouch for a few years now. The symptoms come and go and vary from watery bms to too thick and takes 10 trips to empty. I have done all of the diet changes etc. I did have a partial hysterectomy 2 yrs ago. Since that time I have had trouble off and on with a cycst on the only ovary I still have. Just had a ct and ultrasound and both show a large cycst. I am wondering if that pesky cyst is a bigger problem with my j pouch than anyone realizes. I can't seem to put my finger on that the triggers are for the pouch. I keep the food diary, etc. It never adds up. The colorectal doc seems to think my area of reconnection near the stoma (which is where I complain about) is folding on itself intermittently. He doesn't think it's inflammation, but wants to be really sure. I have already had a small bowel resection in that same spot (2010). Anyone have any thoughts, experience, advice? Thanks in advance.


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I did 2 rounds of antiobiotics in the last 6 no avail. On Humira change. Surgeon has been out for a month (having and recovering from surgery himself). They just pushed my next Appt back til the end of August. Symptoms are always there.....but I'll have 3-4 tolerable days then it hits like a ton of bricks. Wondering if I should see another doc in the practice. Gyn office called to say they will f/u with another ultrasound in 3 months�� They agree that this issue is not the cyst.

Hi Sharon,

I wonder if hormones are playing a role in what you're going through. I know I started having regular pouchitis after using a hormonal birth control, and continue to have flares each month in the 10 days before my period. I know it is a common complaint for female patients both with IBD and j-pouches to have symptoms flare up relative to their cycle, but unfortunately I don't think any serious studies have been done to come up with solutions. My surgeon said "go on birth control to limit your periods" but he's not getting that going on birth control seems to have been my trigger > Same guy that gives me more antibiotics every time I tell him the side effects are worse than my symptoms. Anyway, I digress - I wonder if speaking to an endocrinologist might help? I've debated going to one myself. Just a suggestion - I hope you find some relief soon!

Thanks for the input. The Gyn says the cyst is not my problem and is adamant that it's a GI issue. So frustrating. I have gone to so many GI docs and always end up back with the colorectal surgeon who delivered my micropremie (another long story). He graciously agrees to follow me and has watched me go through so many docs. Maybe his being out for surgery himself is a sign to find the Gastro doc like you said. I hadn't thought of seeing an endocrine doc. My son sees one monthly and that didn't even cross my mind. Thanks for the suggestion.

Do you ever get frustrated with the fact that the new GI docs never listen to all of the details of your journey and try to help piece anything together? They rush you through and assume that you are a black and white case and that's it. If you don't fit the mold then......continue with what you are doing and I'll see you in three months. Ugh. So in that next three months nothing changes except that you have been in pain for three months. What I have figured out over the last 10 years of having a j pouch is that the less you eat....the better it goes. But that brings it's own issues as we all know. Now I am struggling to get nutrition and look gray and ill. In the end...people think "oh...her stomach hurts...she'll be fine". It gets harder and harder to buck up and put your happy face on at work all day and be "normal". My 8 year son feels the decline in my health and energy as well. Thanks for letting me vent and thanks for validating how I feel.

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