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Yes, yes and yes.

Firstly I am more achy then most of the people under 90 that I know (I am 55), suffering from all sorts of itis', when I get tired I get weepy, 3-year-old-child tired that I want to curl up in a corner and cry.

I used to pick up every bug that was flying around too...but have since started various improved eating habits and supplements and feel much better.

I take a liquid, sublingual B Complex as well as a good multivitamin and a number of trace minerals (magnesium, iron, silicium, zinc, Gold-silver-copper, chrome...just to name a few...some come in a mix others I take on their own).

I have found that for a real morning pick me up that Carcinia Cambodia helps a lot (it is meant for weight loss but it gives my energy level a kick and makes my life liveable)...the one that I first used is no longer available (skinny girl) but I have found that most health food stores have good quality ones...mine has green tea and some trace minerals in it. 

I also take Vit D with calcium and Collagene.

A balanced diet full of fresh fruits and veggies, whole grain breads and light meats rounds things out...

I am not superwoman but I am probably better than a lot of the healthy women my age.


Yes, thanks for the tips! I don't usually get tired to the point of crying, but it has been known to happen and it is sometimes a source of stress with my husband since I think it is hard for him to relate to the idea that my energy can be so depleted that going out to a movie is just too much. 

I have been taking Omega3, D, a good multi and astragalas to try to help with the immunity. I am frustrated by it because it can make hanging out with kids hard. What sublingual B complex do you use?

And yes, I eat fresh veggies. If I mix them with some grain based experience it is usually totally fine. I personally cannot eat gluten so there is that limitation, but otherwise I find that things slow down to much for my comfort if I don't eat anything fresh.

Anyway, thank you for the energy tips and the normalizing!

Hello all. 

My two cents. 

When I had a pouch my energy was depleted fast. 

Same thing when I had it removed.  I was totally exhausted after an eight hour shift. 

About a month ago I let my surgeon know  about it so she ran every blood test she could.  It came back with the results that I had low iron levels.  Wow.  I had always had high iron levels.  So I started taking a small amount of iron and Bada bing.  My energy started coming back.  And it's back just after a month of taking 64mg of iron a day.  To top it off I don't feel like I had been run over by a truck when I get up in the morning.  I didn't realize iron was so important. 

Now Scott or Jan can elaborate on the removal of the colon and iron distribution of iron in your body.  I think it has alot to do with absorbing or distributing iron.  I may be wrong.  And it may not be an answer to your particular problem but I thought I would bring it up.  

I was so happy it was something simple although I thought it would be some other vitamin deficiency. 

I do feel much better.  And after eight hours work I feel I can go much longer.  No rubber legs! 


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