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Hi, thanks for all info on this site.  Have a k pouch and have not found a stomaseal cover that works over continent ostomy. Tried AmPatch. Did not stay on. Nexcare by 3 M worked great but very expensive and not sure Medicare covers 5 a day like Am Patch,Edgepark carries them. Used Mestapore for years came in beige. The best. Not offered in U.S.  Anymore. Discontinued.  The nursing covers are good but prefer stomaseal to cover Stoma. I have a lot of mucus. Any Suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you. 

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 Wow – – you have been through lots of trials.   Very impressive list  Also have lots of mucus, for which I use nursing pads attached to my underpants. wipe up the mucus every time I'm on the toilet and sometimes in between. If I'm going swimming I'll put a large bandage over. I too am on Medicare  and appreciate knowing what products are covered. Has anybody had samples of these various products, and if so how did you get them?   Thanks, Janet 

Hi, Janet.  AMPatch sends out samples to try. However, if you have a lot of mucus you will go through 5aday covered by Medicare very quickly. Also,as you know mucus is related to how much you eat and what you eat. Some days for me, not a great deal and others much. I believe for you the breast pads would be best.   used them for 7 years but want a stomaseal cover    Best to you  Joan




Kara, thank you for your suggestion. I looked up Allevyn pads and I believe they are for wound care. However, I would like to try them. There are several out there. Which one do you feel works best and have you tried them. I believe they would not be covered by Medicare because they are for wounds. Still would like to order them. Thanks for taking the time to respond. Joan

I believe your correct, they are for wound care. However, I didn't have a problem ordering them.  I use the 4x4 size but at my last follow up with Cleveland Clinic, the Stoma nurse gave me 3x3 and those are better, size-wise. This particular Stoma nurse uses Allevyn with all the K pouch patients so I would think The Clinic would approve if there were any obstacles with Edgepark. But insurance/Medicare...ugh! 

I put this answer on another chain and it might come in handy here.


I actually buy U by Kotex Security Ultra Thin Pads, Regular, Unscented, 44 Count.

I cut them in half. They adhere to my underwear and cover the stoma. I have used these for years after trying others that weren't as gentle on my stoma site.

As a male, I used to get some funny looks buying multiple packs at the grocery store...but Amazon has pretty much solved that difficulty!!

It works out to about $5.50 every 2 1/2 weeks with changing the pad at every intubation (3-4 times per day)

I use a mepilex border lite bandage that is hypo allergenic and reusable for up to two weeks but I put a premium cosmetic cotton round before the bandage. It has saved me from spending all kinds of money and my skin doesn't become iratated because of the mucus.  I also apply Extra Protective Cream before the cotton round. The mepilex are expensive but if you protect and change your cotton round as needed you can reuse the mepilex for about two weeks. They are expensive but I spend only about 175.00 a year on the mepilex and I buy the cotton rounds at Costco for about 15.00 and one box will last 6 months and the barrier cream costs about 15. 00 and it will last 6 months as well.... Hope this was useful...

No joke but the best I've found to absorb mucus is the blue Scott Shop Towel rolls. They're found in the automotive section at Walmart. One towel could last me all day. Another thing that could help with mucus is Levbid. It's a pill you take every 12 hours, it stops bloating, gas, lessens mucus. Just a warning, it slows down motility too, so expect output to be thicker.

Last edited by MJ0917

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