Hi folks... I'm 2 1/2 months post-takedown and having a terrible time with anal fissure and ulcers from diarrhea. Doc originally prescribed nifedipine/lidocaine ointment which helped initially but then just quit. Now he's prescribed BLT cream (benzocaine, lidocaine, tetracaine) 2-3 times a day as needed and Flexeril suppository at bedtime. Has anyone had experience with these? I've used the BLT once and didn't get the instant numbing effect I was hoping for. Just wondering what I can expect tonight when I use the suppository for the first time...
Also... He's advised me to start Kefir probiotics. I've started them in small doses but even the so-called delicious strawberry smoothie is almost unbearable! Any ideas on making this taste better...?
Thanks in advance!