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Do the different forms of Immodium work differently for you guys?  I know that some have said liquid form works best for them.  But I didn't think there would be much difference between the others.  

But I tried the gel caps recently, and they actually seemed to have a negative effect, making me gassier.  Weird.  Has anyone experienced this?

Far and away, the chewable form has worked the best for me.  But it seems to have been discontinued.  Doing a Google search, and finding a discussion on an IBD forum, some people have confirmed that it indeed seems to have been discontinued.  Does anyone know more about this?  It would be a godsend to be able to get the chewables again.  

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I personally have never tried the liquid form, but I am looking to try something different since lately the pill form of Imodium is giving me horrible gas after it wears off. Imodium pills have always worked great for me for a few hours, but then the cramps afterwards are unbearable, so I need to try something else. 

I have a GI Dr appt in a couple weeks and this is one of the things I'm going to bring up.

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