Hi y'all, hope your all as well as can be expected. I had a gastroscopy last month and it resulted with me seeing the pancreas consultant as I have an adenomatous polyp on my pancreas which he has me going for an ultrascan to see how deep it goes. I am also awaiting an side scope further upstairs. The words cancer was meentioned, somewhere after he said adenomatous polyp but my memory is hopeless. No doubt all will unravel itself further after my scan. If memory serves me right - and I hope it does ! the cancer bit is related to the fact that the polyp is adenomatous and I have FAP. I will have my wife with me when I return to see him and her memory is amazing ! Mind you she is 10 years younger than me !
I have skirted over some info on the pancreas and may have found the answer for my increased stinky output, and even I say its bad ! My wife steers clear of the w/c until its safe to venture in again. Apparently it is a possible symptom of pancreatic cancer - I am not saying I have pancreatic cancer, but it is a possibility according to this info.
So ! I'd really appreciate any input from folk with FAP who have experienced this, a heads up as to what may be in store would be a big plus. Its strange though as this year I've been feeling that it will be my final one, I know that sounds defeatest and morbid - but I am a fairly upbeat dude, just a realist I suppose.
Thank you all for taking the time to read my post - and a big thanks to those who respond.