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Hi all,

Ive had my pouch around 3 months now, i can't complain at all, I've been on holiday, drank with friends and back in the gym. Few issues here and there but i suppose I'm still only in the early process so its to be expected. 

My main issue is the butt burn! Normally my stools are pretty formed so doesn't normally cause an issue, however about 3 weeks go i had some pretty loose burning stools which after wiping numerous times, i developed some sores in my anus, could tell this from bits of red blood on the paper. Im finding now I'm getting a kind of 'salt in the wound' effect every time i use the bathroom. I use a barrier cream and vaseline, however this isn't healing the area! I done a bit reading and lots of people have said Ilex Skin Protectant is excellent at letting everything heal whilst protecting the area. Just wanted to see if anyone could share their experience.



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Yeah, I've had tremendous success from using ilex paste.....  ......I recommend it so often, forum member, by now, probably think I'm on commission.

My use of ilex was to treat the festering and oozing skin around the Stoma of my temp loop ileostomy; once applied I felt instant relief, no pain, stinging or discomfort and within 3 days my skin had completely healed.

I continued to apply ilex paste around my Stoma, as a precaution until takedown and I never experienced any further skin issues.

Since takedown, I initally applied ilex after each and every BM but once my appietite improved so did my output, therefore, I guess less bile acid and less of a need to apply ilex.

I rarely apply ilex now, although, the moment I feel the slightest itch or burning sensation, on goes the ilex.

Last edited by Former Member


Yeah, i would recommended it for butt burn for sure. I found that if I've had a bad case of it, and I've got some bleeding down there from wiping too much i use the Ilex as its like a thick paste. I would recommend some vaseline as it acts like cement and can seal your butt shut ha! But the thing does work for sure and lets the area heal. I now find I can use normal barrier cream every time i go, meaning no need for the Ilex unless i have a serious case of butt burn!

Ive found over the last 4 months everything is trial and error. Give it a go and see how you get on. 4 weeks is still very early and the butt burn will start to get less!

Look worth considering: I was in a similar position to the point where a baby wipe touching my backside was excruciating. I actually self-diagnosed pouchitis and the GP I went to agreed. Put me on Flagyl and the problem resolved within hour, yes hours - nothing short of a miracle.

So does everybody with butt burn have pouchitis, no of course not. Do some with butt burn have pouchitis, yes and there is plenty of evidence. So I take metamucil smooth twice daily. My stools art generally (for someone with a J-Pouch) well formed. When off antibiotics, the stools are not well formed, very acidic and just gets continually worse. So I have now chronic pouchitis. I go off the antibiotics, the acid content skyrockets within about 3 days and I'm in pain. Reapply the antibiotic regime and all is well.

I've been on antibiotics for several months now and not a single instance of butt burn except for the week I went off them. My GI and I are now trying to figure out what would be the best antibiotic for long term use.

Caveat and as I tell my wife, not a doctor just stating the facts. I am a firm believer in the duck theory, quacks, feathers, webbed feet and a bill, probably a duck. 

Like Strange said, you'd think I was on commission for Ilex paste. Use it externally every night, even though not having butt burn. Preventative! During day don't use though will if going out for awhile. Have used a little internally when had cuffitis but not frequently.. Soft, high quality toilet paper a must! Metamucil type product not only firms stool but reduces acid. Have also used sqirt  bottle with hot water during rough times. But the butt burn, thanks to Ilex, is the one thing I have had success controlling! Still struggling with high frequency and very unpredictable output  unfortunately.

good luck!

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