Hey everyone, I'm a one year poucher who's just turned 20 a couple of weeks ago! I'm always on this site as I find it extremely helpful to ease my fears! I'm writing because I seem to have hit a bump with my pouch I started with increased urgency and some blood on the tp that led to it getting into the actually stools. My doctor took some blood work (very malnourished!) and stool tests which have yet to arrive. I have an appointment tomorrow and I just hope I can get to the bottom of this. My doc put me on flagyl 500 mg twice a day and a mesalamine enema before bed. My frequency has gone down a lot which is I'm hoping is a good thing. Also the form of the stools has gone back to how I was before this! My problem arises where every time I put the enema I get a nauseous feeling and this keeps me up at night! So what I tried to do was not take it for one night and well that night (yesterday) I felt better and could get some sleep. Today in the afternoon a while after I took all my morning meds (flagyl, gas relief, and pantoprazole) I started feeling really ill. My head felt light and dizzy, my stomach felt warm and acidic, and I almost threw up twice. Second time I was already on the floor near the toilet ready to go but the feeling left. I dislike throwing up very much, to a point where I'll drive myself crazy. I feel pressure all around my lower abdomen which is also something that recently occurred! I'm not sure if its the flagyl or if it's whatever I have but I'm not feeling good at all. I was so good with my pouch and now it feels like things are taking a bad turn and it's getting me down. i have to take two more flagyl AND the enema (since I skipped one yesterday) before my appointment tomorrow so I'm quite nervous :/
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