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When I had my j pouch surgery in 1990 my surgeon told me to keep my abdomen and pelvic area as strong as possible as my ability to empty the pouch would be increased. He also told me that I would never get hemorrhoids. I have always strained and I have never passed blood or had hemorrhoids in the 26 years since. I get butt burn ranging from discomfort to severe pain but it usually disappears after 5 or 10 minutes.

I have noticed many comment that straining is not advisable but I will be continuing as it has worked for me.

I also strain when going to the bathroom at times, but it can't be helped sometimes its just difficult to try to get it all out, its frustrating but does not happen all the time. Unfortunately, when the irritation goes away for a while, it comes back all over again. Balmex does help me, my doctor gave me analpram HC a hydrcortisone that has numbing and help with  inflamation  at times. I am so unhappy in spite of all the problems I have had with j pouch, just found out I have bladder cancer, although they say its topical and I will be okay, sometimes I find myself so down and depressed, but try so hard not to ponder on the many problems and discomfort. 

John Curtain posted:

When I had my j pouch surgery in 1990 my surgeon told me to keep my abdomen and pelvic area as strong as possible as my ability to empty the pouch would be increased. He also told me that I would never get hemorrhoids. I have always strained and I have never passed blood or had hemorrhoids in the 26 years since. I get butt burn ranging from discomfort to severe pain but it usually disappears after 5 or 10 minutes.

I have noticed many comment that straining is not advisable but I will be continuing as it has worked for me.

Thanks so much John, hearing this scared me don't want hemorrhoids fistula or anything like this if at all possible. Take care and God Bless.

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