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About 5 months ago I had a severe pain and was sent to emergency after a xray showed the possibility of an obstruction. I was sent home and they scheduled a procedure which showed no obstruction.

Since then I have had a couple similar incidents which were not severe enough to cause emergency I would have severe abdominal pain and would stop using any slowers and go liquid. Within a day or two I would be able to return to my daily routines. I would have gas and upset stomach and liquid bowels.

I would like to know how to discern the difference between a partial blockage and what maybe simply a reaction to something like food or exercise etc.

Is this simply adaption?  Would a partial blockage behave this way?  Thank You 


I get both partial and total obstructions on a regular basis. 

The partials feel like I swallowed a watermelon and am trying to pass it through the eye of a needle...they can last for days...As long as I have some output and am able to drink then I do not go to ER.

I roll around on my yoga ball, walk, stretch, do yoga, use heating pads etc...

When I have a total obstruction I know if by the waves of pain (contractions?), I am unable to swallow a pill, even ice chips bring on immediate vomiting and I shake and shiver...I use the same stretching, rolling etc as with partials but I am very not try to introduce food or liquids and pray for it to pass...

Usually it does open up within 24hrs...if not, I head for ER.

When they do open up, I give myself about a day before going back to work.

Yes, I am tired afterwards, washed out. But I do not have a job where I can miss a day so I drag my butt back to work.

I teach so I get long periods of time when I work, I work...what I avoid is doing any lifting, climbing or other strenuous activity after an obstruction.


Bill A posted:

About 5 months ago I had a severe pain and was sent to emergency after a xray showed the possibility of an obstruction. I was sent home and they scheduled a procedure which showed no obstruction.

Since then I have had a couple similar incidents which were not severe enough to cause emergency I would have severe abdominal pain and would stop using any slowers and go liquid. Within a day or two I would be able to return to my daily routines. I would have gas and upset stomach and liquid bowels.

I would like to know how to discern the difference between a partial blockage and what maybe simply a reaction to something like food or exercise etc.

Is this simply adaption?  Would a partial blockage behave this way?  Thank You 

There is no way to tell unless you xray the area. My xrays can't be read anymore due to tons of adhesions and scarring.   They have to give me a CT scan now.  

If I am in extreme pain, vomiting and not going number 2 I will go to ER for help....obstructions can be life threatening.   I had an emergency op for one in '89..... I don't even remember the surgeon taking me into the operating room, that's how bad it got. He told me I was one hour away from dying and that he saved my life.

This is serious stuff. When in extreme pain and vomiting, bloated etc.... don't sit around home guessing what you may have. Go to ER and find out.

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