Hi Everyone
I am now just short of 4 months post jpouch reversal and I have a few issues. But firstly, let me say that my bag change rarely takes more than 15 mins, with my best being in and out in under 5. To achieve this I prepare everything first:
1) Remove the plastic backing from the appliance and seal the open end 
2) Prepare the Adhesive remover wipe
3) Prepare the Skin barrier wipe
4) Ready with 2 cleansing wet wipes
5) Open my Stoma Powder (as I have skin lesion issues under the stoma)
I then remove the old bag (no that is not a reference to my wife
actually I called it Bill-see below). I wipe the excess output from Mal (my stoma) and then all the skin around Mal until it is clean. I then use the adhesive remover to remove the edges where the Bill has stuck, and sometimes breaks up, and from around Mal as well. I take the barrier film wipe, apply it liberally to the skin lesion below Mal, and then around the area where the Bill will stick. I then have to apply the stoma powder to the lesion to dry the area, otherwise Bill wont stick there. After this, I simply take Bill and stick him over Mal.
When that is all that there is, it takes less than five minutes, but in high output times, I am continually removing the output until I get a break to do the rest.
Interestingly, my stoma nurse said that until I get the skin thing sorted I should change everyday, sometimes twice if necessary. She also suggested to not use a wafer so that I can get the convexity under the stoma as much as possible. So far I have only had to change twice in a day on one occasion, but I would be snookered if I had to do it everyday, simply because in Australia, we have a limited supply of goodies we can order each month under the government support scheme. 30 bags a month is my limit, so I would prefer to stretch the change out to at least 2 days to build up a supply, to cover the 2 a day scenarios.
Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth... and for those wondering...
Mal - our current Prime Minister - always spurting SH*T
Bill - the Leader of the Opposition - always full of SH*T
I also named by JPouch (still intact but disconnected) as Tony, the former Prime Minister - still has output but nothing of substance!
If anyone is still reading, I would love to hear if you have had any experience with peristomal skin lesions. My stoma aperture points to around 20 to the hour and down below the skin level. As such all output is directly on to that part of the skin. It also means there is a place under the convex opening of the bag where output always tracks. I am resigned to the fact that I will always have issues, but I would love to hear anyone else's experiences, solutions, rants and raves....
My surgeon said he could probably fix this, but it would be a major operation, similar to the reversal op, and there is a chance he wont be able to improve the situation.
Still, you have to play the hand you are dealt, so I am doing my best 
Cheers to one and all!!