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i feel the urge to go..i go to the bathroom, there is very little that wants to come out, i go to a side room here in my building where only 3 people have access and i lay on the floor and pass gas, then i dont feel the urge to go to the restroom for a good bit. if i dont pass gas I'll feel the urge to go again in an hour with the same result. when i get home things will come out a little easier but its still incomplete. I dont know whats going on. I've been on cirpo & flagyl now for around a year, ive been on Rifaxamine now for over 3 weeks, i take 1 tablespoon of citrucel in the morning with a glass and a half of water im drinking, used to do metamucil but i thought the gas was worse with it, turns out its no different then citrucel, around 70oz of liquid a day. my last scope showed no signs of pouchitis, inflammation was less yet here i find myself with these issues. My surgeon/gastro as of July 1st has moved to virginia and ive been seeing her for 4 years, it really broke my spirits after she moved, i have yet to meet my new doctor. 


Its like my pouch just doesnt want to work right and aside from scheduling another doctor appt with the new doc, paying 40.00 and going through another few weeks of trial and error i dont know what else there is for me to try. the j pouch is starting to feel like it was all just a pipe dream

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Sorry DG.  

I have no answers.  I could never pass gas like you can.  But I had similar problems.  Just an urge to go all the time.  It was relentless.  But.  You seem to be able to go when you get home.  Maybe some stress.  Simple stress involved. I don't know.  I wish I could help. 

My pouch was healthy too.  Just didn't want to work the way it was supposed to.  I hope you can get it figured out.  I couldn't.  After two plus years of this I gave up.  I had it removed. Not saying you should come to that conclusion.  Yours seems to want to work. 


Last edited by Mysticobra

If pouchitis is ruled out and antibiotics are not helping, I can only assume you have a structural/functional defect. One that is not visible by scope. Perhaps defegraphy would show twisting, collapse, or prolapse that is causing your difficulty. If you look around here, you'll see that Dr. Shen at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio has found defects that others had no clue were there.

I am lucky because difficulty emptying is one of my pouchitis signs, so pouchitis treatment works well.


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