I’m now 5 months post take-down and don’t feel like I’ve improved much the last 2-3 months.
I’m having 9-12 BMs a day with burning inside, some light blood spotting on tissue. My surgeon recommended using Hydrocortisone Acetate 1% - Pramoxine HCI 1% before bed, but it doesn’t seem to help much. I’m also taking eight Imodium or Lomotil per day, plus two tablespoons of Benefiber per day.
Does my body just need more time to adapt because of my age – almost 63? Will my stool eventually thicken up and I won’t need to rely on Imodium so much, and frequency/burning will lessen?
I feel like my life revolves around my bowels and it is depressing. Hard to keep focus at full-time job.
Just hope this will improve.
Any suggestions?