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I had reversal last Tuesday, on Jan 20th. I had bad nausea following surgery but after 48 hours they started giving me food. As I was tolerating it pretty well and passing gas I was sent home yesterday. My stomach is a bit upset at times but it is allright. I must say trapped gas/wind is painful, and I feel very bloated, but I have been told that it is totally normal because my digestive transit is resuming. Any recommendations for bloating/gas?

I am 5 days post op and I would never have thought I would be doing so well. I have around 7 bowel movements per day, including one at night (but I don't know if I wake up out of habit because I used to get up to empty my bag or if I feel the urge to go). Is it because my GI tract is still half asleep and is the number of BM going to increase later? I can hold my stools for some time, although there are really liquid. I just feel some weird pressure in the j-pouch then it passes when I squeeze my bum . Incontinence/leakage was scaring me to death because after examining my anal sphincters and perineum my surgeon had told me that this area was really damaged from my ulcerative colitis and that I wouldn't probably be able to hold it unless I would do a lot of perineal re-education. She was even against the j-pouch at first and wanted to make the ileostomy permanent because the damages were too serious. I am wearing pantyliners and sleeping on bed pads as a precaution, you never know.

Regarding butt burn, which was another great concern, as I have a low residue diet with bland food, no spices, no raw veggies, etc., I experienced it one I think. It burnt during the BM, but after wiping and applying ointment it directly stopped.

That's all for the update, thanks in advance for reading this long post!
You all have a wonderful day!

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In the information area of the top menu bar, there are dietary guidelines. It is an old article, but still relevant. The main thing to remember is that these are guidelines for post op and early adaptation, not forever! Here is a link to it:


Yes, lots of intestinal gas is common in the early days. Your gut bacteria is repopulating and you are not digesting fully due to that and due to recovery from surgical trauma. It gets better. Six to eight small meals are better than three big ones. Don't go overboard on carbs, as it is bacteria acting on undigested carbs that cause excess intestinal gas. Keep moving. The more active you are, the better it is for keeping your gut moving. Don't take any more opiates than you really need. Same with antidiarhheals. 


Glad you are doing so well! You may well prove your doctor wrong on the incontinence issue. I'd think it would show up right away if your sphincters really were that weak. They will get stronger and stronger as you are using them now. Don't be discouraged by some minor leaks, especially at night during these early months.





Hi Blooming Cy,

i had mine exactly one week prior to yours, and you are asking almist exactly what I was wondering about!  I did have a good friend remind me that there could be a lot of adjusting still, so if things should get a little less ideal, to just go with it. That there may be times of two steps forward, one step back, but that it's all good. 

I wish you continued success!  Let's keep each other posted through this process. :-)

(and Jan, your words are helpful to me too. Thanks!)

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