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I think I either have the worst flu of my life or a super occlusion...16 for dinner this weekend...been cooking and cleaning for days...I think that I did this to myself.

I cannot keep anything down, not even my meds.


I just warmed up the heating pain

Don't want to go to the hospital yet.




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Sharon, what you are experiencing sounds a lot like what I had a couple of nights ago.  I had a bad case of the shakes that did not let up when I sat by a space heater in a small room for over half an hour.  Finally, I went to bed with extra blankets and started vomiting.  The condition went away by itself and I was fine the next day.  I hope you have the same results.  I did not do anything unusual to bring this on, but had thoughts that perhaps a mineral deficiency may have been involved.


Agree with the others and hope this is just a passing thing. But, be ready for anything. A few years back I had the same symptoms that just kept getting worse. Violent shaking chills that were exhausting. A high fever ensued and I wound up in the ER with sepsis and a tanking blood pressure. They ruled out flu,  but never discovered the cause. Two days in the hospital, and I was fine, but weak. 


Did someone get the number of the freight train that hit me???  

It  must have started Weds noon...I had some sharp stabbing pains in my old occlusion site (the one that they fixed 16months ago!)...Then cramps and everything running through me.

By midnight I was wilting and at 5am the vomitting started. Frozen to the bone. Couldn't keep anything down for nearly 24hrs then it unblocked and I could sip water mixed with juice. I couldn't get my head off of the pillow, getting to the bathroom was like a marathon. Hubby has never seen me this way...I couldn't turn my head or sit up. I just kept moving the heating pad from back to front.

My pouch was filling and emptying gallons but no pee for 24hrs..I started kidney pain so I pushed move fluids...I am peeing again and the kidneys hurt less but still not enough, everything is running through the pouch.

I just ate something (crushed boiled potatoes with olive oil & salt) me the postassium and sodium. Maybe it will help my kidneys.

For now I am keeping my fingers crossed that the potatoes stay feeling stronger but scared.

The fever is gone...I lost 6 pounds in 36hrs!!!! All fluids...I look like a prune.

Whatever it was it feels like it is passing...Thankfully.


Oh my, Sharon.  For pouchers and ostomates, our digestion gets affected when we're sick so it's hard to tell the difference between something truly happening with our digestive system and plain old getting sick. I hope yours is just a bug and working its way out soon. It sounds like you did everything right in terms of self-treatment. And if people are still coming this weekend, you don't have to be superwoman. Go easy on yourself!

Food is cooked, house is cleaned and table is being set (yeah for hubby!)...I did the lion's share on Weds so I was not left holding the bag on 100% of the work...

For now the meat is roasting and hubby is being very useful (kind of shook him up yesterday...he hadn't seen me like that since the last occlusion.

Did I mention that I took a shot of Gravol (the motion sickness drug) once the whole thing started? I was throwing up so violently that I couldn't think of what else to slowed me down and put me out...not sure if I could have survived without it.

Still waiting to see what the potatoes are doing in my gut...they seem to be dancing some kind of jig in there.



So sorry, but I'm so glad to hear you are improving!  Whatever the cause, our bodies just take longer to rehydrate and get back on track.  If I were you, I would definitely make a quick trip to an acute care for some fluids.  It's so hard to play catch-up just through oral fluids when you're that dehydrated.  I guess I'm a bit spoiled in that my acute care is 2 minutes from my house and there's never a wait.  So I can get in and out in a couple hours and sent home feeling a million times better.

ER here sucks.

I wouldn't go unless I was dying and even then I am not so sure.

If I went there and tried to explain my medical history to them (in French) then I would be dead before they began to figure it all out.

I have had ERs tell me that I do not have what I have and that it is impossible..that I must be making it up! (com'mon now, you can not fake a colectomy and pouch)

I am usually my own best doctor and keep the necessary supplies and meds hanging around for such emergencies...

For now it is a miracle that I was up and about as if nothing had happened (almost)...Still not eating.


 How about replacing your electrolytes with the baby  drink.   Can't remember the name, and no matter as would be different there. Another option is to find electrolyte supplements that are often in powder form, which you can mix into juice or water. I get them at the health store ,  in the sports section.  They come in packets,  Or you could buy electrolyte water, but I'm not sure how effective that stuff is. You have to drink quite a bit and in some cases  add salt, but it's better than a potato here and a banana there. At least in my opinion. Hope you're feeling better, Janet 

 Yeah I too have to be close to death before I go into the ER. The chance of getting infection there is too high, the wait too long and the amount of service to little   

Thanks Janet,

I have never tried the electrolyte replacements, probably because they didn't have them here when I was younger and I learned to make my own stuff. 

I make a homemade lemonaide with mint and sugar (or fake sugar) and drink gallons in the summer and at dinner each night. It is my go-to drink. 

When I am sick I cut either an astringient juice like pomegranite juice or apple (to slow things down) or a sweet juice like grape with crushed ice and water and sip very slowly. It does a good job at fluid replacement but does not contain any mineral salts (the proof in the 6lb weight loss...confirmed this morning).

I never drink it pure because it runs right through me so the ice and water keep me sipping very slowly (my version of I.V without the needles).

I finished off my night with potato/egg salad. I do not eat eggs. I have never voluntarily eaten an egg in my life. I run from eggs. Last night I was craving them! Must have something in them that my body wanted desperately! I finished off the bowl.

Today everything is back to normal.

Thanks for all of the support



 This is what I was thinking of:

If you Google homemade electrolytes you will find a variety of recipes.   After the K surgery, when I was constantly exhausted, I researched out electrolytes and found a good one at a health food store.   As my kitchen is on the fifth floor I always look for things that are in powder instead of the first ingredient.

So great that your party went off well and you could eat! Nice to find pleasure in the simple things that everybody else takes for granted. I hope this continues

Did you need to  again confront the director at the school?  Or is it better to leave that behind? Be well, Janet

Thanks for the info Janet, 

I will look  into it...Am going away with hubby for  10 days and am panicked at the idea of having another occlusion while on vacation...Will stick to low residue, 0% fiber and nothing clogging at all.

Hubby joined me at the graduation...we saw my directress but she disappeared after her speech and was not to be seen again.

I got my share of hugs and kisses from the kids (expecially the girls) and the director congratulated me on my fine work and told hubby how I was an essential part of the team and the success of the school.

That sort of calmed me down...I will not be back there until Sept if they bring me back next way or the other I will take the high road but if I do see her again I will give her a piece of my mind, in front of witnesses and then send a lawyer's letter. (I have an ex-client who is both a lawyer and HRM so she has corrected mine and reworked it).

For now it is wait and see...I was so sick that I practically forgot about it...too much to do.

I had both step-daughters this weekend, the youngest step-G-son and grand daughter for the day...the weekend was busy...10 for dinner last night 11 tonight...dishes, cooking etc. I had a great time!!!!

Just happy that I could do it...Now for packing suitcases...tubes, lube, guide wires, gravol injectable, stoma covers, leg-bags, flanges and belts, ...meds...and my medical files on a data stick...have I forgotten anything? Oh, yes, a bathing suit and flip-flops...not sure if there will be room for anything else in the suitcase.

Traveling is starting to get complicated.


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