I've had problems with adhesions in the same area, and I have had several partial obstructions as a result. My surgeon had suspected a hernia at one point, but after several palpatory exams and an MRI, no hernia was detected. If you do have adhesions, they can be tricky to deal with. Surgery is an option if they are causing significant issues for you, but the drawback is that surgical release often leads to more adhesions down the road. If the pain persists, one thing you could look into is ART - adhesion release therapy - which is massage directed at the adhesions with an aim to soften the tissue and make it a little more flexible, thus reducing or eliminating the discomfort. This is usually performed by a massage therapist or chiropractor, but if you are looking for this type of therapy, make sure you find a practitioner who has experience dealing with abdominal adhesions.