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Finally!  I can relate to this group.  I am 57.  I had UC for 31 years and my flares worsened in my 50's.  My flares were so bad I was wasting away.  Prednisone was the only thing working.  I finally had my colon removed March 2015, instant relief.  I had the pouch built June 2015 with some complications.  October 2015 I had the take down.  It was tough for quite awhile, they told me two weeks of many stools, it was longer and then started seeing improvement.  Like many here I have my good days and not.  I am a yoga student and teacher, which I practiced with my bag as well.  It's my one time that I forget this, unless I have an urge to go during practice, usually I can put it off, and stay focused on the yoga.  It has saved me!  My nights can be tough and the butt burn!  Yikes.  I will try the product mentioned here. I have used anorectal cream, a lifesaver.  I have felt so alone, isolated, depressed even.  Yoga has helped tremendously, and yet struggle.  I work on diet which I did for years with the UC.  I now don't feel as alone and know what I am going through is normal. Grateful for this group.  Thank you.



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the flares got worst and worst for me too, even with hefty doses of prednisone (i recall the puffy face, acne, and feeling over energized all the time).  i'm your age, had my pouch in 1995, slow recovery, felt great since, grateful for my wife and boys, appreciate every breath i take, and love my motorcycle therapy.   

good you have yoga to help you.  i would like to take that up sometime.

welcome yogilori to the group.!  hope you do well !!

Hi Lori, I'm a Lori, too and I am forever grateful for my yoga practice and how it helped me through my UC and four years of jpouch. It quieted my pouch down but it would act up the rest if the time. I now practice with an ostomy bag......your jpouch is still new. Your butt burn will get better. Stay true to your practice and let it keep helping you!

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