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Im having high fevers(102.0) every single night. I also have some abdominal pain. My doc and I have talked about maybe crohns or a prolapsing pouch. Nothing has been officially decided yet. I also have a seton drain that hasn't had any output in a month. My wbc is normal and so is all my other blood work. CT scans are also normal. Any ideas why I am running fevers every night? 

Tags: fevers, 102.0

Gut inflammation is a likely cause, considering your symptoms. Crohn's is high on the list for that. That said, some abscesses defy detection by CT. MRI might reveal something new. The fact that you already have a history of fistula, it is quite possible to have developed another one that has not been revealed yet. 

FUO (fever of unknown origin) can be very tricky. For more info, try Googling fever of unknown origin.


Jan Dollar

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