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Hello ~ For the last two days, I have been having discomfort and very noticeable movement and some cramping, esp. after eating, on right side of abdomen, more or less in the middle, about 2-3 inches above my stoma incision scar.  I had an incisional hernia at stoma site back in 2012, less than a year after takedown, that was repaired with mesh. I also had a hysterectomy after that (four abdominal surgeries in two years, all with complications and ileus). For months, I have also been having sharp though short-lived pains that go up and down the right and left side of my middle to lower abdomen that I suspect are from adhesions. However, this new movement/discomfort is unusual. It's not exactly where the hernia was before. It's bearable, and I'm seeing gastro doc next week, but I'm just wondering if anyone has any insight if this is a hernia, new or reopened but in slightly different spot. (I also have a hiatal hernia but that is on the other side, and I doubt I would be feeling it where I am now)





Original Post

Laurie, this actually sounds similar to some of the symptoms I have had with partial obstructions - cramping, unusual movement, gurgling and sometimes the sensation of a "bulge" if I press on the area. If it persists, you may not want to wait the full week; perhaps give your GI's office a call and see if they can fit you in earlier.  In the meantime, if you develop fever and/or vomiting or if you are passing no stool at all, you will need to head to the ER.

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