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I am about 4 months status post take down. I was doing well once I got my bowels under control with Imodium and fiber. I am now having the cramping, gurgling and gas pains...sometimes I can just breath and hold it until it passes the other times I have to go to the bathroom and relieve myself. It happens all times in the day sometimes painful where I have to stop in my tracks.Any one else with this problem that could give me some advice or any suggestions on how to help this and/or prevent it. Thanks 


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Early on, I had those symptoms when I took Metamucil. Stopping it relieved those symptoms. I had better luch with Citrucel.

Later, those symptoms returned as signs of pouchitis. Antibiotics set me straight.

Now, 20 years later I have chronic pouchitis. Antibiotics help a lot, but I still get the gas and cramping. I am currently using enteric coated peppermint oil with pretty good results, assuming there is some IBS on top of the pouchitis.


Hi Beth,

I echo Jan. In my case, Metamucil only caused excess gas and in fact made things  worse for me. Stopping the Metamucil improved my gas. Therefore, before you do anything drastic, I would suggest that you simply discontinue Metamucil for a few days - perhaps up to a week - and see if there is any improvement. If there is no improvement even after stopping Metamucil entirely, then you may be dealing with pouchitis as Jan's post outlines.  There are other fiber supplements which do not contain psyllium,  such as Benefiber, so you may want to try any of those as an alternative.

You may also want to consider probiotics. VSL#3 is usually what is recommended, but many here, myself included, find it cost prohibitive and, depending where you live, hard to obtain. It is not covered by all drug plans. Since VSL#3 wasn't the best option for me cost-wise, I rotated several over-the-counter probiotics and eventually settled on Align, which I have been taking daily for 2.5 years now. I definitely think it has helped my frequency of my BMs as well as improved my gas.

Last edited by Spooky

Mema, generally speaking, anything enteric coated means that the pill or capsule has a coating that does not irritate the stomach if swallowed whole, but more importantly, also allows the med to remain intact and to reach the small intestine where it can be properly absorbed without being affected or damaged by stomach acid.   Many OTC meds come this way - Tylenol, aspirin, etc. I assume that peppermint oil in this form would be available at most health food stores. I did a quick google search and found this, for starters, though I'm sure you could compare brands and find something that works for you:



Last edited by Spooky

Jan and Spooky thanks for your response. I am taking the store brand citrucel for Fiber, I have added Gas X and it seems to help a little but not a lot. I have read that pouchitis would involve blood in stool, nausea, fever and I don't have any of those symptoms. What has to be done to find out if you have pouchitis? I am trying to eliminate having to go thru a lot of tests unless I absolutely have too.  I am definitely going to try some probiotics and see if that helps. Again thank you for your responses.


Definitely worth a try. At least the effect stays in the gut, while Librax affects your whole body, as does other prescription antispasmodics, like Bentyl or Levsin.

So far, the only side effects I've had are peppermint burps and peppermint scented poops. I can live with that! I have noticed a decrease in the "churning gut" symptom.


I have horrible gas pains that go shooting through my stomach and out my bottom if I let it go (unfortunately, my pouch is not empty  when it happens). The Librax seemed to help and I never had any pains but unfortunately, I'm not using it anymore. Just out of curiosity, Jan, do you have pains as well? I'm pretty sure that mine is IPS but they seem to be getting worse and worse. I'm definitely going to try the peppermint to see if my gut will stop churning. As I said before, my scope is on Wednesday which I'm quite uptight about. The last time I spoke to my surgeon he was recommending surgery, something that I'd prefer not having.

msbea430 posted:

I am about 4 months status post take down. I was doing well once I got my bowels under control with Imodium and fiber. I am now having the cramping, gurgling and gas pains...sometimes I can just breath and hold it until it passes the other times I have to go to the bathroom and relieve myself. It happens all times in the day sometimes painful where I have to stop in my tracks.Any one else with this problem that could give me some advice or any suggestions on how to help this and/or prevent it. Thanks 



After 32 years of having a jpouch. I have had it all. VSL3 is a big help bit costs 46 dollars for fifty at Costco in Calif. Also. A hot water bottle and laying almost upside down on a couch along with massage helps cramping and gas and sometimes It becomes a blockage and all of this works most of the time so you don't go to the ER ALL the time. Hope some of these tips help. Good luck, Tannet

I haven't been able to take any additional fiber because of the severe gas pains and forcefulness of the bm's causing pain.

i use a lot of essential oils for various reasons but young living carries a peppermint essential oil and also capsules that you would put it into to ingest. 

Peppermint is calming for my digestive tract and I even just rub it on my tummy (a couple drops mixed with a carrier oils Cush as coconut oil) for relief. 


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