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Hi guys

I posted this in one of my (numerous) rants but thought that some of the k pouchers would like to see what the valve 'elbow' looks the 2nd picture you can see the 16 catheter under the crook or can sort of go into the pouch straight but the bigger catheters (28-32) get blocked/hooked onto/ in the crook and refuse to go into the pouch.

The cause of the elbow is when my pouch was twisted up into the hernia and when it was 'off the wall' the valve was twisted and the trajectory was thrown off so I kept hitting the side of the valve with the end of the tube...I ended up pushing on it so often that it created the divit.

For the moment the only fix is full blown valve surgery...I was wondering if a plastic surgeon couldn't do something...sort of a valve-lift...pulling the extra tissue tighter to reduce the crook in the valve...

I am also working on an prosthetic liner for the valve but my prototype hasn't arrived yet.

Anyway, if you ever find yourself hitting the side of you valve on a regular basis (due to a fallen pouch or other problem) please have it taken care can seriously compromise you valve.





Images (1)
  • blobid0: Contrast study k pouch and valve Fev 2016
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 Sharon – – I had hoped against hope that the valve wasn't going to be the problem, but you were pretty sure it was from the get-go.  The next hope  is that the prototype arrives soon and proves to be a solution.   Interesting analysis of what caused the problem and now I am  thinking about it  when I intubate.   Janet

I know...I generally do not bother using lube when intubating outside of the school I just don't have the time and at restaurants I try to get in and out fast so I sort of fake it at force a bit...that is also part of the 'stretches' the valve (sort of...more a feeling than a fact) and seems to hurt it somehow...when our surgeons say 'you are never too busy to use lube' they are not joking.

In my case, lube or not, when your pouch is hanging upside down and you are doing gymnastics to be able to intubate it is worse. My French surgeon (Dr Broutin) said the last time that he went in (13mths ago) he could see the spot on the pouch where I kept hitting it with the was white (???) I can see the damage that I also did to the valve...By waiting 3+ yrs to get the pouch put back up.

Never ignore problems or pain due to fear...much better to find out what the problems is and deal with it.

Be good to your pouch


thanks again for more history on your problem; it gives me insight as to what can possibly go wrong.  unfortunately my new knowledge is at your expense, which isn't fair.  i hope there can be a reasonable solution.  tough choices for you and i send healing white light to help you through this turmoil.  

i love my k pouch--hey, it's valentine's day--but am also dreadfully frightened of it.  i probably overly lube and then mindfully breath until the catheter slips in so smoothly that i don't feel it.  on the 'dark' side, i overdue crunches and lifting things.  hopefully the docs used strong thread to sew the pouch to my innards.  

in less than two weeks i'll be having my failed replaced shoulder replaced with a reverse shoulder.  the recent biopsy showed no infection.  rather dread having a major surgery so soon, but it is my choice and i made it so i could do some gardening this summer.  won't be able to put my boat in the water, but don't mind a year off and will travel to iceland and spitsbergen, where i can kayak amongst the glaciers and puffins.   

heal, heal, heal.... janet

Thanks Janet,

"You can never use too much lube"...Quote from Dr C, my k pouch surgeon.

Beware of crunches etc for 1 yr post pouch creation...consider your pouch a not expect it to walk, jump, run, climb etc during the 1st 12 it and it will last you a lifetime.

Things are not healed before then even if you think that they are ( or in my case, ever) no 'over-enthusiasm' please!

Thanks for the vibes....

be nice to your pouch


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