I think you might need to find a different doctor. I had all open surgeries, hysterectomy related 20 years ago then 5 years ago had 3 surgeries in 8 months. They were my colonectomy, take down and incisional hernia. 5.5 months ago I had surgery to divert from using my j-pouch to a permanent ileostomy. I was hoping that I wouldn't need the j-pouch removed. I am now getting it removed next month 
My current surgeon is at the Mayo Clinic and she went in and laproscopically spent 3 hours lysing, adhesiolysis , my the adhesions plus peeling my intestines from the hernia mesh. The surgery was to be 1.5 hours but she spent 4.5 hours because of my abdomen full of adhesions. I think that many doctors would have done the minimum getting to my j-pouch inlet. They can grow back over time but my lumpy bumpy and knotty abdomen is better. I can feel them gone!
I know how painful they can be. I have been on Norco pain medication for 5 years. The doctors thought the pain was due to the adhesions. In testing for partial obstructions my local surgeon had a small bowel study done. It took the barium water 2.5 hours to do what took 30 minutes the year before. That was just water and not what happens when eating food. I have not been in contact with him since then. I feel very strongly about this. I wish I had been told my colonectomy and j-pouch surgeries could have been done laproscopically. If I knew that I would have gone to the Mayo Clinic in the first place. My local surgeon trained at the Cleveland Clinic so I thought it better to have it around home instead of 3.5 hours away at the Mayo Clinic.
I feel very strongly about this. Years in pain that might have been less or not at all. Please check for a different surgeon that will be patient enough to take care of your adhesions laptoscopically!!!
It is probably better I did these surgeries in 2 parts because of the adhesions. Life is short. Don't worry about offending your surgeon. A good doctor is one that is not threatened by a patient seeking another opinion. My local GI sent me to Mayo's for my second opinion when my UC was diagnosed. He sent me back again when he didn't feel he knew enough to help me with my cuffitis. This was after it had been treated for around 5 months.
Good Luck!