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Hi everyone. I just had step 2 of 3 done towards my j pouch. So they gave me a loop ileostomy and created the j pouch, take down will be in a few months. It is about 2.5 weeks post op and since I've been home from the hospital I have been feeling like I always have to pee, even immediately after I do. Sometimes I can't pee a lot, but always some. There is quite of bit of pressure on my bladder it feels like, especially while laying down. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this? I was fine in the hospital after they took out the catheder for about 3 days, so not sure what's going on now...There is no burning feeling or anything different with the color or smell so I'm not leaning towards an infection.

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Generally, in my case, the catheter does it to me every time....I irritates the whole tract, swells and then I get the gallopping peees for about a week.

But in your case it took a few days to start so it could be an infections or it could be that the whole region is swollen and the pouch is pressing on a zone that you are not used to having pressure on.

Does it burn?  (possible infection (cystitis) or irritation: drink diluted cranberry juice especially at night before bed). Does it have a strange odour? Is the urine light or dark yellow (dark urine means that you are not drinking enough: drink more fluids) cloudy (could mean infection so you may need a culture)...are you having any fever or lower back pain? Cramping? Could be infection again.

That is my check list...

For most things I start with upping my water intake and add cranberry or pommegranite juice to my diet.  As soon as I get the "baseball bat in the kidneys" feeling and fever I know that it may well be another kidney stone (rather more common with us than the rest of the population) and I need to up my fluid intake, change the acidity in my diet (drink more fresh lemon juice) and pray that it passes on its own.

For everything else I call my doctor.

Hope that it passes


This probably isn't what's going on with you, but after my step 2 surgery  I had the same thing happen what you're describing. But I also started running a fever. Turned out I had a  large abscess develop my pelvic area and it was putting pressure on my bladder. Just keep tabs on it. It could just be your bladder still "waking up" from the procedure. 

Last edited by mgmt10

Before you begin to consume copious amounts fluids, cranberry juice or otherwise, ensure, that from your normal intake of fluids, whether water, tea, coffee or whatever, that you're able to pass water with good flow, without straining and no dribbles.  If flow is good/normal and no uncontrollable stopping n starting, then you're good to go.

After my takedown surgery, whilst still in Hospital, I developed an enlarged prostate, which with the catheter removed, I was unable to pass water, which was very uncomfortable and dangerous.



Sounds like you are not emptying the bladder compketely, so are retaining urine. It could be from trauma/swelling around those nerves. If so, it should improve over the next few weeks. Never the less, you should report this to your doctor, as it could be an infection. Sometimes you can get urethritis from the urinary catheter used post op. The inflammation can cause bladder retention.


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