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Not sure if this is a pouch question, a total collectomy question or a menopause question (maybe all 3?).

For at least a year I have had a strange feeling like I am going to pee myself when sitting...I have a long subway ride into town every morning and I am litterally panicked...feels like the muscle is going to let go.

Once I stand up it goes away.

At first I thought that it was because of a yeast or other infection (no), then I thought that it was following the visit to the gyn who irritated me a bit during the exam...finally I have to admit that it is just not going away...I thought that maybe my pouch was 'down' again and that it was pressing on the bladder...nope...pouch is where it should be.

Other than immediately post op (usually due to the catheter  and mild cystitis or when my pouch is down) I have never had any problems. Now it feels like I am constantly 'in danger'...

No cisitis, no yeast, no what is it and what do I do? I cannot have urinary incontinence on top of everything else!

Been trying Keigels like crazy...a bit better but nothing permanent.


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As we age, it is pretty common for "stress incontinence" or overactive bladder to occur. Mostly, it is leakage during sneezing, coughing, or laughing. It is due to sagging of the pelvic floor and sphincter weakness. If you've ever been pregnant long enough, that is a factor too. Menopause plays into it also. Add to that, your extensive pelvic surgery, and there you go. For you, sitting on a jiggly ride is probably your bladder stress. At least you know that standing relieves it!

There are a some medications for this. Maybe you can talk to your doc about them. They cause dry mouth though. One of the most common ones used in the US is Ditropan (oxybutynin).


when i had incontinence w the j pouch i went to a pelvic floor physical therapist.  she was big on developing the core, which involved lots of bridge exercises.  it took a good year before my core was good.  (btw, those exercises helped reduce my lumbar pain so much that i've been able to avoid back surgery.  i do them daily.) 

with the k i think keigel exercises should be essential.  hadn't thought of it, and none of the docs or nurses suggested them, but of course we aren't using those muscles now that we've got 'barbie buts'.  they're the list!!  thanks.

so far no problems and i'm older than you are.  never had that sort of prob during menopause.  just what you need with all the other things going on....

stick with it, we're here for your support.  janet

Had to comment for two reasons:

1) I'm 46 with 4 prior pregnancies, 2 vaginal births, the first with a 4th degree tear (complete) but no urinary issues until recently. Now after 4 ab surgeries for UC and entering peri-menopause, I hace been having the same problem with the added issue of occasional sudden urgency. I saw great female urologist who ran a bunch of tests and I was given the same answer as Jan provided in addition to an offer of an implanted device (no thank you.)

2) I was at CC signing up for j to k conversion this week and referenced "Barbie butt" during a Q&A conversation with Dr. Dietz's assistant (?) after having seen the term used in this forum. She looked at me like I was crazy and said something like "A what? Of course you'll still have a butt!" Guessing she never had Barbies or never looked at their butt :-) It was pretry wierd having to explain what I meant and get an estimate of what I'd actually have left :-)

Thanks for the mention that I'll still need to remember to work at maintaining my pelvic floor!

I just clicked the link Jan, 

Thanks...I am already doing Kegels plus a whole lot of other tightening exercises (I do them while I brush my teeth morning and me a routine that I can't forget)...Hubby has noticed that I have reduced my fluid intake (not intentionally) and worries because he understands the dehydration problem now. 

They say that coffee can be problematic (I drink 2-3 pots/day) but that is my k pouch sort of seems that everything that is good for my pouch is bad for my bladder...excessive fluids, coffee, drinking before bed. Is this the new next thing? Really? 

I don't mind getting old but having everything just fall apart really sucks.

This morning while having my coffee on the sofa (leg elevated with ice pack under ankle for tendonitis) I started to throw up (darn blockages again) and couldn't run to the W.C.  because of the ankle! 

Lamaline for pain stops my pouch and aggravates the blocages.

Everything seems to be counter intuitive or counter productive. When I do my bridge exercises for my abs my pouch flops over and I scream in pain.

Jenjen, Doctors do not always know what patients say or do outside of their should send him the link to the would be a real eye opener.

Janet, I did bridges for years (since age 12) but with my floppy pouch they have become problematic...I used to use both Pilates balls and a silicon soccer ball to work abs and lower they scare me...




yes Sharon - this is what it comes down to - fix one thing - it screws up another - on and on.  I don't mind getting older either - but no one likes to feel bad all the time - or often.  we are only human, after all.  it's good to share it and get it out on this site - where you will find understanding and empathy - and ideas - as those around you don't want to hear it all the time (and why would they?)  So thankful for the forum.  I feel so much less alone and so supported on it.  (funny little story  - added 1/3 mile to my walk - and pulled a muscle last week) - you know what I mean - try to do the "healthy" things - and it screws something up.  Ya gotta laugh.  These people who are 80 years old and running marathons and stuff are amazing - either incredible DNA or determination - probably a bit of both.  I once saw a documentary about this nun who was in her 70s and ran a lot - and she'd throw up when she ran...hydrate..keep running.  She has a lot more spunk than me!

She didn't have a j pouch and total collectomy either? Didn't think so. Yup, it is easy (ier) to have spunk when you have all of your organs and no major disease or a lifetime of meds to keep you going...or maybe not...maybe our brand of spunk comes specifically from everything that we have suffered prior to, during and post disease/surgery/complications...this disease really brings you down a few notches...

(sorry a bit less optimistic this morning...)

ps...I finally went back to my routine in spite of the pain...did a modified 45 mins  outdoor workout with 7 uphill/down hill circuts on the stairs/ramp hill and then almost an hour on the pilates balls (kegels, kegels...)my abs hurt (good thing) and my ankle aches (bad thing) but I generally hurt less all over (must be the codine!)...fight the good fight no matter what!


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