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Out of nowhere this week, I have a hemorrhoid. 

This would not be a problem for most people, but I'm worried.

It is protruding from my anus, and is about the size of a U.S. nickel. This thing is HUGE.

I'm a j-poucher, and we all know the importance of that poor anal sphincter when it comes to continence.

Does anyone have any suggestions for anything that can help at all? I tried warm baths and hydrocortisone cream. It's like throwing a cup of water on a roaring house fire. This thing is horrible. I can't sit normally.

i just want it to go back into my butt. I don't know where it came from but it's making me have troubles going to the bathroom, among other things.

I should probably call my doctor, right? Is this worth getting worried over? I just don't ever want to become incontinent.

Thanks everyone. This board has been an incredible comfort to a neurotic person like me over the last several years. 

Last edited by lina
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When I get hemorrhoids, I find the only thing that truly helps make them go away is to time my bathroom trips.  If I set a timer for 3 minutes and finish my business in that time, the hemorrhoids subside much quicker than when I don't time my bathroom trips.  It's so easy to sit there and play on my phone or read a book until I feel like my pouch is empty, but this is a big no-no!

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