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Good day

it has been 5.5 months that i had my takedown


approx 20 days ago things started to really improve ( bms way down and sleeping ok)


i then decided to start working out again and i pushed hard on my abs and the exercizes related to it. Since i started my training things have gone worst again with bms up - could it be that i "unwinded " some twisted intestine or Something to that sort or does the training have Nothing to do with?


Could be...then again it could have nothing to do with it whatsoever.

Generally when you start exercising, especially if you are concentrating on a specific region, you stimulate it. 

You could be suffering just some temporary side-effects of an over stimulation of the zone.

It is somewhat rare to really hurt yourself 5.5 months post op just be doing abs (but not unheard of).

Watch it, monitor it and see if things improve. 

Keep off the exercise for a few days...if things do not improve again then maybe give a call to your doctor.



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